Webster Technique: Prenatal + Postpartum Care

During pregnancy, the mother's body goes through many changes. One of the main changes is the shifting of the body's gravity, adding more pressure in the lumbar spine, pelvis, sacrum, and mostly, to the soft tissue around surrounding areas. Common symptoms when restrictions are present in these areas includes: lower back pain, sciatica pain radiating down the leg, muscle tightness, joint stiffness, pubic bone pain.  

Webster technique is a tool used by chiropractors to establish mother's pelvic balance and alignment during pregnancy. When the pelvis is restricted it may reduce the amount of room available for the baby. It also can make it difficult for the mother to move without pain or discomfort.  

  • With a balanced pelvis and spine:

    • Babies have more room to move around the womb.

    • Helps to restore spine and pelvic mobility, decreasing pain and discomfort during pregnancy. 

    • Babies have a better chance of moving into the correct position before labor, facilitating the delivery. 

    • Optimal baby positioning at the time of birth also can reduce the potential for dystocia (difficult labor) and therefore, results in an easier and safer delivery for both the mother and child.

What happens to the mother’s body after the third trimester? During labor, the body will experience an immense amount of stress, and this is without adding any additional complications during and after labor. 

“How do I know if I need treatment during the postpartum period? “ “Am I in pain just because I gave birth and it’s normal to be in discomfort?” 

  • These questions are not as simple to answer. It always depends, but most of the time my answer will be, you know your body better than anyone else and NO! It does take time for your body to heal, but is NOT normal to live with the pain after giving birth. 

Your body went through a lot of changes for months!  Additional stress and changes happened during labor as well. Webster Technique is great during the prenatal period, but it is NOT ONLY used for pregnant women. This treatment can be used by anyone who is presenting weight bearing issues. That means, anyone presenting symptoms, especially in the lower back, pelvis and sacrum areas. Common symptoms are: 

  • Lack of joint mobility

  • Hyper/Hypoflexibility of ligaments and tendons (which can create dysfunction)

  • Muscle aches/spasms

  • Pubic bone pain

  • Radiating pain down the leg

  • Numbness/Tingling on the tailbone area

  • Core weakness

The idea is to restore normal pelvic function. By doing so, it can speed up the healing process during your postpartum period!!! So don’t be afraid to continue treatment after having your little one! 

If you would like to know more about how this treatment can help you, contact us at 216-952-3830 or send an email to info@clechiropractic.com.

Do not hesitate to reach out!

Dr. Shirley


Headaches + Treatment Options

Headaches are a very common health problem that most people will experience at some time of their life. Factors that can lead to headaches are: history of head and/or muscle injury, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, environmental factors such as weather or pollen. 

There are 4 major types of headaches. 

  • Tension headache - it may feel as a tight band is putting pressure around your head. It is achy and can be triggered by muscle tightness and stress. Pain coming from or going to the neck area. 

  • Migraine headache- (with or without aura) usually will appear on one side of your head, sometimes with light and sound sensitivity. It can be triggered by food, menstrual cycles or stress. At times other symptoms such as nausea, lightheadedness, vomiting can accompany the migraine. This type of headache can impact quality of life.  

  • Sinus/Allergy headache- it presents itself commonly around the forehead, behind the eyes and cheeks. It feels like pressure and facial pain. 

  • Cluster headache- behind one eye at a time, serious of headaches, swelling, redness, sweating, eye watering. It can last seconds to minutes. 

When symptoms do occur, they usually come in conjunction with other symptoms such as muscle tightness, joint stiffness in the neck and shoulder region, pressure around the head/sinuses, ringing of the ear,  among others. Muscle tightness can add pressure to build up on the head and upper neck area, increasing joint stiffness, muscle tension and reduced mobility. These restrictions can increase frequency and intensity of headaches. 

As a chiropractor, there are different treatments and techniques we can use to help reduce and perhaps, even eliminate the main cause of  the headaches. 

  • Chiropractic care: A good example is tension headaches. They usually appear when there is a lot of stress in your environment, increasing muscle tension on your head, neck and shoulder. Chiropractic adjustments eliminate joint restriction on your spine, increasing joint mobility, reducing muscle tightness and improving your neuromusculoskeletal function. 

  • CranioSacral Therapy:  CST is a very gentle, hands-on technique that can help to reduce pressure surrounding the head, cranial bones, spine and sacral region, facilitating movement of the cerebrospinal fluid and the membranes that surround the central nervous system. This technique is commonly used to decrease migraine headaches. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing headaches, please do not hesitate to reach out! Give us a call (216)952-3830, visit our website www.clechiropractic.com or send an email to drdelgado@clechiropractic.com

Dr. Shirley Delgado Rivera

** Resource: “A randomized clinical trial in 2012 that was published in the journal BMC Complimentary and Alternative Therapy, tested the effects of CST on migraine pain intensity and frequency over an 8 week period. Adults with moderate to severe migraines were randomly assigned, those receiving 8 weekly CST treatments showed that by the end of the 8 weeks, headache intensity was reduced and pain killer medications were reduced as well. “

Rib Discomfort During Pregnancy

Expectant mothers can often experience a number of symptoms throughout their pregnancy. One common discomfort is rib pain . Mother’s body is constantly changing throughout the trimesters, causing weight shifting on her spine and rib cage area. There are different causes that might be giving the mother that very common pain in the ribs. Some of these causes are: 

  • The hormone relaxin plays a big part in helping mom’s  abdominal muscles to stretch to accommodate the growing uterus. The rib cage area also is stretched to balance the pressure applied by the growing uterus on the diaphragm. 

  • The growing baby’s position often causes some pains and aches depending on their position in the womb. Baby can be transverse, breached, or head down kicking towards the diaphragm /ribs. 

  • Baby’s growth causes the mother's body to change posture and center of gravity , where the body starts feeling stress due to the baby's weight. Carrying the extra weight can put additional stress on muscles around the rib cage. 

  • Round ligament tightness which pain can be felt in the lower rib, pelvis and lower back area. 

  • Indigestion or heartburn adds pressure on the chest, making the area to be sore and painful at times. 

Chiropractic care helps reduce joint restriction and improve mobility, making it easier for the body to function. In combination with targeted stretches and strengthening exercises, posture can be corrected, helping you to function better. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment, give us a call (216)952-3830 or send an email to drdelgad@clechiropractic.com .

Mornings Sickness Tips and Tricks

Many women (in fact, one study suggests up to 80% of pregnant women) experience “morning sickness” as early as 6 weeks.  If you have experienced nausea during pregnancy, you know that the name is very misleading.  For some it is in the morning, but for many it lasts all day or comes about randomly during the day.  It often peaks around 8-9 weeks and for many subsides around 14 weeks.  It may come with some good days, some really bad days, and many days that just feel “blah”. 


Here are some things to try at home:

·  Acupuncture.  Stimulation of acupuncture point PC6 has shown to help nausea in pregnancy.  Your acupuncturist may send you home with “seeds” to stimulate the point after your treatment.  This point is also what is stimulated when wearing seabands!

·  Hydration + electrolytes.  Stay hydrated and consider drinks with electrolytes like NOOMA (use ‘MOTHERSDEN15’ for 15% off!!) or LMNT!  Electrolytes help with morning sickness because they are putting the good stuff back in your body!  Some women find that water doesn’t sit well with them with nausea. 

·  Ginger and peppermint.  Whether you are using teas, foods, or essential oils, both of these have been used for centuries to help with nausea.   

·  Foods.  Track your nausea and notice if you have any trigger foods, or foods that make you feel worse on days that you eat them.  Try eating smaller meals and eating before you get hungry.  Nausea is common on an empty stomach.  For some women, a protein shake or smoothie may be an easier way to get some calories in!  Protein will help keep your blood sugar stable.  Eat what you can, when you can.  Don’t beat yourself up if the thought of eating vegetables makes you sick. 

·  Stay active.  Being physically active can reduce nausea symptoms during pregnancy, even if it is just taking short walks.     

·  Vitamins + supplements.  There are some studies that show taking B6 for morning sickness can improve nausea (without vomiting) in pregnant women!  If there is no relief with B6 alone, after 4-5 days, trying the combination of B6 + unisom may be beneficial (however, unisom can cause drowsiness).


Some women try everything holistic, even medication, and don’t report any changes in their nausea.  If you have any concerns about your nausea, talk to your care provider.  There is a distinction between morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum, which is severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and electrolyte disturbance. 

Receive 15% off supplement purchases from Wellevate. This post contains affiliate links and should you decide to purchase through them, we may be compensated. We choose our affiliate partners very carefully and only recommend products that we use and love.

Acupuncture for IVF

If you are reading this, I’m sorry.  You were brought here for a reason.  Looking for more answers, looking for hope, maybe looking to “do everything you can do”.  This may be your first round of IVF or this may be your last round.  Every couple or person undergoing IVF does it for a different reason.  You (and your partner) may have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility or an ovarian disorder, you may be working with a sperm or egg donor, you may have a genetic disorder and are planning to test your embryos.  Whatever brought you here, I want to thank you for being here and considering alternative medicine.  This journey is not easy and IVF is not easy.  I want to remember that you are strong.  I hope this blog can provide information on acupuncture and Chinese medicine methodology so that you can have a better understanding on what to expect during acupuncture treatments and can decide if acupuncture is something you would like to incorporate into your treatment plan. 


How can acupuncture help?

Acupuncture is beneficial before and after both an egg retrieval and embryo transfer.  It can improve overall fertility, regulate hormones, and normalize the menstrual cycle. 

·      Acupuncture can help improve blood flow to the pelvis and reproductive organs. 

·      Undergoing fertility treatments is stressful: from the appointments, to the medications, to the constant fluctuations of emotions, and the financial burden, acupuncture can help your body respond to stress.  It helps your muscles relax, it slows your breathing, and it calms the mind.  Sometimes during treatments, some people are so relaxed they fall asleep.

·      Acupuncture improves the changes of having a baby:  we are looking at more than just getting you pregnant.  We want you to bring a baby home.  Acupuncture doesn’t stop after the embryo transfer. 



What does an initial acupuncture appointment for preconception look like?

An initial acupuncture appointment for preconception will typically last about 1.5-2 hours.  Your practitioner will want an in depth understanding of your medical history and fertility journey.  Your provider will use visual inspection, feel your pulse, and look at your tongue in their assessment.  A Chinese medicine diagnosis will be given based on your history and examination. The acupuncture needles may be placed in your arms, legs, head and face, abdomen, back, and even your ears depending on your Chinese medicine diagnosis.


What do follow up treatments look like?

Expect your entire appointment to last about 1 hour.  Your acupuncturist will likely ask about any symptoms you are experiencing, check your pulse and tongue while they perform a visual assessment, and then he or she will insert the needles!  The needles are retained about 30 minutes and then your practitioner will remove them and discuss any of your concerns.  No two women are the same.  Even when working with two women, both diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve from a Western Medicine doctor, their acupuncture treatments may look very different.  When supporting women using the Chinese medicine methodology, many providers will give women dietary recommendations, lifestyle recommendations, and supplementation as this takes a whole systems approach.  


What will my fertility doctor (or reproductive endocrinologist) say about this?

Honestly, it depends on the provider.  I have had some patients have their RE say they are “wasting their money”, but can “do what they want” and I have seen other RE’s strongly encourage their patients to do acupuncture.  Some fertility clinics have an acupuncturist on site that patients work directly with.  Over the last few years, however, I have been noticing more and more RE’s suggest acupuncture and other types of alternative medicine for their patients.


Quick Details:

·      Dr. Candace prefers acupuncture weekly leading up to IUI or IVF.

·      She recommends acupuncture before and after IUI or IVF.  

·      Dr. Candace recommends continuing acupuncture throughout the first trimester.

Stay turned for Part 2: Acupuncture to support early pregnancy.

Candace Gesicki is a Doctor of Chiropractic and Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture.  She has been supporting women .  She is offering free 15 minute phone consultations for those wondering how acupuncture can support them on their fertility journey.  Email Dr. Candace directly to schedule a phone consult or schedule your initial appointment online

Chiropractic Care for Newborns and Toddlers

Recently, several of my patients (especially soon to be moms) have come to me asking how soon they should bring their newborns for chiropractic care after being born? The answer is as soon as they want.  Many moms and dads want to take time to bond with their baby, and that’s completely fine! Your baby can wait until you feel ready. However, at times, some babies can go through trauma during birth. The labor process can place a great amount of stress on the infant as well as the mother. Chiropractic care shortly after birth can help to correct any issues caused during birth.  If baby seems to be colicky, tilting their neck to one side (torticollis), having latching problems, are example of symptoms newborns present that might be caused by restrictions on their bodies.


Infant adjustments are extremely gentle.  There is no audible (“cracking”). The pressure applied is comparable to the force you use if you place your finger on your eyelid and press gently. An adjustment on babies will look like sustained pressure, gentle massages, or small compression. We can also create movement by using an instrument called an activator.


Infant to Toddler

Later in life, when babies turn into toddlers, they start falling frequently. This is completely normal! But falling might start causing restrictions on the toddler’s body. For example, their neck or back can get tweaked a little after a fall. Regular chiropractic care can help to correct any structural restrictions resulting from daily activities such as learning how to walk, play time, and more.


It is never too early or too late to begin chiropractic care for your child. If you want to know more about chiropractic for infants and adults, you can contact me at drdelgado@clechiropractic.com.  I’m here to help!


Dr. Shirley

Healthy Homemade Fruit Snacks (Bonus: Vitamin C Gummies Recipe!)

This recipe is SUPER easy and my toddler LOVES them!

We try to limit the amount of sugar and artificial coloring our kiddos consume so we typically don’t buy fruit snacks from the store. I don’t always have the ingredients on hand to make these fruit snacks, but there are only 2 (well, 3 if you decide to turn them into Vitamin C gummies). We made these last Friday at home and they were simple enough for Otto to confidently help.



  • Pour 1 cup of fruit juice into a pan on the stove top. Let boil.

  • Slowly whisk in 1-2 Tbsp of gelatin until dissolved.

  • Add the remaining fruit juice .

  • Slowly whisk in the remaining gelatin.

  • If you are adding VItamin C, this is when you would dissolve it into the mixture.

  • Transfer the liquid into your silicone molds or pour the liquid into a baking dish. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours or until solid.

  • If you decide to pour the mixture into a baking dish, once it has solidified, cut along the edge of the dish with a knife. Carefully remove the gummy sheet and place it on a cutting board. I use a pizza cutter to cut pieces evenly.

  • Refrigerate! I like to keep ours in mason jars in the fridge!

*Vitamin C gummies: decide what “dose” you want your gummies to be and how many you plan to make. For example, if you plan to make 60 gummies, be sure to cut them into 60 pieces. Instead of using the cute molds for the Vitamin C gummies, I just pour the mixture into a baking dish. I find it easiest to cut into pieces evenly that way.

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What to Expect During Your First CranioSacral Therapy Visit

During your first visit, the practitioner will ask you in depth questions about your current symptoms, health/medical history and pre-existing conditions.

Make sure to wear comfortable clothing to your appointment, as you will be fully clothed during the whole session. First session usually will last about an hour, and you will begin by lying down on your back on a comfortable massage table.

The practitioner will start at your feet, middle of your body or head. Using five grams of pressure, the provider will gently hold your feet, head, or sacrum to listen to your body’s subtle rhythms. If any restriction is detected, they will gently reposition you to normalize the flow of cerebrospinal fluids.

During the treatment, some people may experience different sensations such as: deep relaxation, falling asleep, having hot or cold sensations, sensing pulsation or numbing. Some people may get a release of emotions as well.


Pediatric Sessions

CST for children might look slightly different than adults. The touch is very light and gentle. Children's sessions can be done while they sitting, laying, crawling, walking, standing or playing on the floor.  Some infants and children may sleep longer and have better bowel movements following a session, while others can be more irritable and awake.

Note: For children younger than 4 years old, Dr. Shirley prefers only pediatric CST appointment combined with chiropractic.  For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Shirley at drdelgado@clechiropractic.com



The number of sessions needed varies depending on every individual current state of health and healing response. After evaluation and fist treatment, the practitioner can discuss in details best treatment course for your body and desired results.

For more information about CranioSacral Therapy, please do not hesitate to contact us. One of the providers will answer all your questions and see if CST is the right treatment for you.



Craniosacral Therapy                                                                 www.upledger.com

Middle Back Pain and Posture

You often hear healthcare professionals talking about relief for lower back pain, sciatica, neck pain but… how about mid-back pain? Is that a thing? Yes it is!


For the past couple months, a higher volume of patients have come to the office experiencing middle back pain for the first time or more often than they used to in the past. What can be the cause? Why the higher incidence?


You see, since quarantine began, majority of companies moved their work remotely. Usually, at home, we might not have access to a comfortable office setting. We take what we have and make it work: the kitchen table, the couch, the floor, on top of the coffee table. When the ergonomic position is lost, the proper posture starts being affected.


Any posture that an individual takes that brings irregular pressure, changes the center of gravity of the body. These changes result in joint restriction, muscle tightness, joint instability, imbalance of joints and surrounding soft tissue. Common symptoms for middle back pain are: muscle tightness, stiffness, dull/achy pain, reduced range of motion of the torso, tightness during deep breaths, and sharp pain.


Poor sitting or standing postures such as slouching, rounded shoulders and forward neck leaning are the most common positions that cause issues in the body, especially towards the middle back. Identifying the bad posture habits and making the appropriate changes is key to minimize middle back discomfort.


Good news, we can help!! Chiropractic care helps reduce joint restriction and improve mobility, making it easier for the body to function. In combination with targeted stretches and strengthening exercises, bad posture can be corrected, helping you to function better and get rid off those bad habits for good!


If you or someone you know are experiencing these symptoms, email me at drdelgado@clechiropractic.com with any questions you may have.


Do not hesitate to reach out!


Dr. Shirley

Schedule your appointment online!

When to Start Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

“When should I start coming in for chiropractic care during pregnancy?” is one of the most common questions I am asked.  The answer to this isn’t always black and white.  The reasons for seeking care during pregnancy vary and I encourage you to check in with yourself and explore why you are interested in adding a chiropractor to your prenatal care team. Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are trying to determine the best time to schedule your appointment:


1)    Am I experiencing any pain?

If you are experiencing pain, it would be in your favor to schedule an appointment as soon as your pain begins.  During pregnancy, your body changes rapidly to accommodate your growing baby.  Often times, pain that may have resolved on its own in the non-pregnant body, tends to linger or progress with pregnancy.  The increase in weight, presence of relaxin, and changes to the musculoskeletal system all create an increase in stress on your joints and muscles.  Chiropractic adjustments, in addition to soft tissue work, stretches, and exercises can decrease and eliminate common pregnancy aches and pains, including low back pain, sciatica, pubic bone pain (or pubic symphysis dysfunction), round ligament pain, and hip pain! 

2)    What are my goals for this pregnancy and birth?

If you are hoping to have an active pregnancy and birth, seeking chiropractic care within the first few weeks of finding out you are pregnant is ideal.  This is an excellent time to establish a relationship with your provider.  If you do not have any symptoms or concerns, your chiropractor may suggest seeing you monthly for the first few months, however, your body begins changing immediately and beginning care in the first trimester will help you adapt to these changes.  Chiropractic during pregnancy can help your baby achieve an optimal position and have an easier labor and delivery.  Visit this blog post for more information on the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

3)    What position is my baby in?

Chiropractic care can help balance the joints and muscles of the pelvis to create an ideal space for your baby to move head down.  For optimal position of the pelvis, seeking care around 28 weeks is ideal, however babies can flip head down as late as 37-38 weeks.  Schedule an appointment with your chiropractor as soon as you find out your baby is breech!


It is never too early or too late to begin chiropractic care.  The doctors at our office have taken many additional trainings to women during pregnancy.  Dr. Shirley is offering 10 minute discovery calls to answer any questions you may have about care!  Email her at drdelgado@clechiropractic.com to schedule one!


Dr. C

email: drgesicki@clechiropractic.com

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Low Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy | Cleveland Prenatal Chiropractor

Pregnancy is a beautiful stage for women. But sometimes it might not be so pretty. While many expectant mothers walk around with a pregnancy glow, others can experience quite a bit of discomfort in different areas of their body prior to birth.  

Lower back and sciatic nerve pain are one of the chief complaints among pregnant women. This is the result of the changes that mom’s body is going through. Shoulders become more rounded, the curvatures of the spine start shifting, and the center of gravity changes as well.  Additionally, the weight and position of the baby can cause irritation to the area. Lower back and sciatica pain often do not appear until the second or third trimester, but it can be very uncomfortable and even prevent activity for some expectant moms. 


Common symptoms that expectant mothers could experience are: lower back muscle tightness and joint stiffness, muscle spasms, radiating pain down to hips or leg (usually stops at the knee), pubic symphysis pressure or discomfort, pain described as sharp, throbbing, achy and/or dull across the back or hip area. 


Obtaining chiropractic care for lower back pain and sciatica during pregnancy can help alleviate mom’s symptoms and prepare their body for childbirth. A balanced pelvis and ideal core function, will not only help with the mother’s pain relief and comfort, it will also provide babies a better chance of moving into position for labor and birth, lowering the chances to move into a breech or posterior position. 


Chiropractic care during pregnancy is very safe. The techniques that are used, like Webster Technique, are gentle. Furthermore, chiropractors that specialize in prenatal care can additionally teach effective stretches and exercises that are safe to use throughout the entire pregnancy.


If you or someone you know are experiencing these symptoms, give us a call at (216) 952-3830 or visit our website www.clechiropractic.com for more information. 

Do not hesitate to reach out! 

Dr. Shirley

Stay Healthy and Happy This Winter

Winter season is the time of beautiful white snow, hot chocolate or tea in front of the fireplace and warm comfortable clothes. It is also the season of cold temperatures, dry air and lack of sunlight, which can change moods and increase illness.


So what can we do to stay healthy?  First of all, maintaining a healthy diet is the best way to achieve a healthy body.  Including lots of vegetables and fresh fruits on your nutrition is key. The best source of vitamins and nutrients are the food that we eat daily! However, some food regimes might be depleted from these nutrients. Supplements can be helpful to acquire the nutrients and vitamins we are lacking of.


A good list for supplements that can help to boost your health and immune system are:


·      Vitamin D3- this is a big one! With changes in sunlight exposure during winter season it is good to take vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D promotes absorption of calcium in your body, which helps healthy bones and teeth, supporting immune system.

·      Vitamin C- important for bones and connective tissues, muscles, and blood vessels.  Also helps to absorb iron, which is needed for red blood cell production.

·      Omega 3 (fish oil) – well known for their health benefits, including lower inflammation, and reduce markers of heart disease. Also, it may benefit your skin and hair.

·      Zinc – support of healthy immune system response function and skin health.

·      B Complex – supports physical and nervous system health. Help to stimulate the metabolic, cardiovascular, and central/peripheral nervous systems and, supports energy production in all cells.


Here is a link where you can find a variety of supplements mentioned above. And the best part, you receive 15% with every purchase and it ships to your home!


Link:  wellevate.me/candace-gesicki


IMPORTANT: Tell each of your healthcare providers about all your medical conditions, allergies and all medicines you use. Talk to your healthcare provider about which supplements might be best for you.

Additionally, there are certain tips we should follow to stay healthy and happy!


For example, we know winter is the house for flu season. Washing hands regularly could help to reduce the chances of contracting the influenza and corona virus as well. Also, make sure to keep common surfaces clean such as doorknobs, countertops, light switches, faucets, etc.


Stay hydrated. It is important to drink plenty of water during this time. Even though temperatures drop, we still use our body energy to perform daily tasks. Inadequate water intake can increase skin dryness, muscle tightness, fatigue, and headaches.  Drink up!


Now, let’s talk about stress.  It is very important to acknowledge that our lives have changed drastically since the beginning of this year. Homeschooling, working from home, not been able to see family and friends – yeah, it has been extremely stressful!


High stress can reduce your immune response increasing the chances of getting colds or flu. Exercising can be a way to keep stress levels down. Needles to say, winter months can be challenging to stick to exercises routine. The key is to stay active and exercise at least 30 minutes every day, and why not do it at the comfort of your home! Make it fun for your kids, pets and include them on your routines, why not?  It is important to make some time for self-care, relax and have some fun – your body will thank you later.


Don’t forget, chiropractic care can also reduce tension on your body and, giving your body and joints the boost it needs to keep working in optimal way. If you are not sure chiropractic care is for you, we are giving free 10 minutes discovery calls to answer any questions you may have.  Let us know how can we help.


Dr. Shirley







Staying Active At Home

Have you been feeling tired and lack of energy? Experiencing body aches more often? Do you find comfortable positions to work while staying home? Are you slouching more because you sit on the couch for more than 4-5 hours a day? Working for home seems to be the new normal upon this pandemic we are facing, and it probably will stay the same way for the next upcoming months.


I asked a couple of friends that are working remotely, where do they usually set up their computers at home. I was amazed with the answers!!! Some of us might be lucky to have a comfortable office desk. But how about those who don’t? Common places to turn into an “office” are the dining table, the coffee table, the couch and even the bed. Does this sounds familiar to you?  If so, have you noticed that your back is getting tight and/or stiff frequently? Are you finding yourself trying to stretch and looking for more comfortable positions to sit or stand? Welcome to the club!


For the past few weeks, staying home made me realize how active I used to be before all of this happened. I noticed I was siting and lying down in funny positions. No wonder my back started feeling tight and stiff more often, sleeping sometimes was not comfortable anymore. It hit me! I was not doing enough to take care of my body, to stay active.


I want to share a series of stretches and sitting positions that will improve your posture and wake up those tight muscles.


First of all, set about 30 minutes throughout the date to this stretches as needed. Find a quite place to do the stretches, do this as part of your me time!


Hold this position for a minute each side. If you find this position uncomfortable, use the modified position presented on the right. This exercise helps to stretch the hip flexors (back leg) and the gluteus and piriformis muscles (front leg).


Sit with your legs crossed. Cross the right leg in front of the left leg, which will be the side you will be stretching. Hold this position for about a minute and then changed position while crossing the left leg in front of the right, and repeat. Helps to stretch the back and buttock muscles.



Position yourself with legs shoulder-width apart, push your shoulders back and down. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat as needed. Helps with good posture and avoid rounded shoulders.


Dr. Shirley Delgado

Associate Chiropractor


Schedule your appointment online!

Telehealth + Online Pregnancy Resources

If you are pregnant now, your pregnancy is not looking how you imagined it would be. How could it? Pregnant during a pandemic. No one could have predicted the state our country would be in right now. There are so many unknowns and so much disappointment during what is supposed to be one of the most exciting times of your life. Everything from not knowing who will be able to support you during your baby’s birth to not being able to attend a prenatal yoga class and meet other moms-to-be.

Support during your pregnancy is ESSENTIAL. It breaks my heart that I cannot sit face to face to talk about your pregnancy and birth goals, help keep you pain free, and prepare your body for labor, birth, and postpartum. During this time, I am able to provide telehealth consults. While this would not replace an adjustment, acupuncture, or manual therapy (how cool would that be if it could?), but I am able to provide stretches, exercises, and other recommendations over a video consult. Email me directly to schedule a telehealth consult: drgesicki@clechiropractic.com . (These consults are available for most patients, not just pregnant patients.)

I am also excited to announce that my Health Pregnancy Online subscription is now available. This is something I have been dreaming up for about a year. I found myself repeating so many things with pregnant patients every day and not that I don’t love sharing what I know, but I felt that there could be a more efficient and cost effective way to do this! The cost is $17/month- less than most copays and you will get much more than I can provide in one visit or consult! Each month, 8 home workouts and a video lesson with PDF download and supplemental handout will be released. There is also a once a month virtual group coaching session and recipe index (coming soon…). While this is something I have been planning to do for a while, the time for this could not be more critical. Learn more about it here.

Other members of the birth community in Cleveland have also been providing online education. I have been collecting these online pregnancy resources and plan to continually update this list:

Breastfeeding Support:

Madison “Mamabird” Hendry is providing online workshops as well as phone and video support.

Childbirth Education, Consults, and Virtual Doula Services:

Nurtured Foundation

CLE Baby

Mental Health:

Rachel Bowers, LISW-S

Tiffany Manrodt, MSW, LISW-S

Infant Care Classes:

Baby Beginnings


Delivering Strength (this is my podcast :))

Never hesitate to reach out,

Dr. C

What is Webster Technique? | Webster Certified Chiropractor Cleveland, OH

What is Webster Technique?

The ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) define Webster Technique as a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.

In other words, Webster technique is a tool used to establish mother's pelvic balance and alignment during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned it may reduce the amount of room available for the baby. It also, may make it difficult for baby to get into the best possible position for birth. With a balanced pelvis and align spine, babies have a better chance of moving into the the correct position, facilitating the delivery. Optimal baby positioning at the time of birth also can eliminate the potential for dystocia (difficult labor) and therefore, results in a easier and safer delivery for both the mother and child.

If you are pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, having chiropractic care since day one dramatically improves body function and gives the mother and her child the best opportunity for improved health.

Interested in scheduling an initial appointment for an evaluation and treatment? Schedule online now!

Shirley Delgado, DC

Associate Chiropractor

References :

1. https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/chiropractic-care-during-pregnancy/

2. https://icpa4kids.com/training/webster-certification/webster-technique/

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy | Cleveland Prenatal Chiropractor

As a chiropractor, I am constantly asked if it is safe to have chiropractic care during pregnancy and the answer is ... yes! Our body constantly changing, even more when your body is preparing to create another human being! Chiropractic care helps to keep your spine in the best alignment possible, taking pressure of your joints, nerves and muscles.

During pregnancy, mom's body goes through physiological and endocrinological changes that happen in order to prepare the body for a developing baby. What does this mean? Mom's pelvis goes through changes so there is enough space for the baby to move during pregnancy and delivery. Postural adaptation starts to happen including changes in the area of the abdomen that can increase the lower back curve, adding extra tension and stress to the muscles, ligaments and joints on the back. All these changes can result in symptoms such as pain, stiffness, soreness, lack of movement of the spine. When spinal movement is reduced, pressure is put upon the nerves exiting the spine causing a decrease in nerve function. These nerves serve as a type of communication to your skin, muscles and organs.

What can chiropractic do to help? Is there any technique that can be use? Chiropractors use different techniques with the purpose of realigning the spine, allowing nerves to function optimally, making the body work to its best ability. One of these techniques used during pregnancy is the Webster Technique. Check back next week for Part 2 of this blog, which covers what Webster Technique is!

Interested in scheduling an initial appointment for an evaluation and treatment? Schedule online now!

Dr. Shirley Delgado

Associate Chiropractor

Diastasis Rectus Abdominis- What is it and what can I do about it?

Diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA) is a separation in the rectus abdominus muscle.  As a BIRTHFIT Professional and chiropractor specializing in pregnancy and postpartum, this is one of the most common topics in my office.  DRA can be seen in both women and men (as men do have a core and pelvic floor).  It is not uncommon for DRA to be present in women pre-pregnancy as well as during pregnancy and the postpartum period.  Most, but not all, women will see some separation of the rectus abdominus around 20 weeks.  This separation is commonly seen during the postpartum period, as connective tissue can take up to 280 days to heal.  For some, healing DRA can require no work and for others, healing DRA can require a lot of exercise and work, but can be done!


In this country, it is not common practice to recommend that mom has a pelvic floor or musculoskeletal assessment during the postpartum period.  Ideally, I am seeing my moms within the first two weeks PP and again at 6 weeks PP (unless there is another underlying issue we are treating).  At the 6-week postpartum visit we are assessing the diastasis recti, continuing with breath work, and beginning to introduce (or re-introduce) functional progressions and posterior chain work.  I strongly suggest at this time mom enrolls in my Postpartum Recovery Program.   Remember, your midwife or OB is not a musculoskeletal specialist.  He or she is trained to make sure your baby is carried and welcomed into this world safely.  This is most likely not a topic that they are well educated on, especially when it comes to the healing process of DRA.


There is a lot of information on the Internet that is conflicting and this can be SO CONFUSING, especially as a new mom.  It common for DRA to not be healed prior to future pregnancies.  While most of the buzz around DRA is seen in the postpartum period, it is never too early to work towards supporting your body during pregnancy.   If you are seeing a MSK specialist during your pregnancy, please be sure they are assessing and monitoring your DRA and utilizing functional exercises in their treatment plan. 

Peeing your pants with movements, even if it is “just” when you sneeze, cough, and jump is common, but it is NOT normal, even if you have had multiple children or birthed a 10lb baby.  This is a huge signal that there is dysfunction in the core and the pelvic floor.  If this is something you are experiencing, I strongly suggest you set up an appointment with a pelvic floor specialist and MSK provider who specializes in this work and begin the process to heal from within.


So now, how Do I heal my diastasis? 

**Note: please please please do not workout during the first two weeks postpartum.  You are still healing.  Snuggle your baby and work on breathe work. **


Breath (breathing correctly, using your diaphragm).  Do. Not. Suck. Your. Stomach. In.   Proper breath work and breathing with intention is not as easy as it looks.  It is common for many to breathe into their chest and not down into the abdomen.  This pattern requires a lot of effort to retrain. 

Avoid exercises and movements that put stress on the linea alba.  These include, but are not limited to: crunches, toes to bar, knees to elbow, mountain climbers, sitting up from lying down (like a sit-up), or lying down from a seated position.  When stress is put on the linea alba, we commonly see “tenting”.  Why do we avoid sit-ups?  Well, sit-ups single out one muscle (rectus abdominus) and our bodies are not designed to use single muscle groups, our bodies are designed to move functionally.  Our functional core begins at the neck and goes all the way down to the pelvic floor, including the diaphragm, erector spinae, and the abdominal musculature.   This is also why kegals are not the best exercise to heal your core and pelvic floor.  When during your regular routine do you have to stop and think “let me do a kegal to make sure my pelvic floor is activated”?  No, you don’t.  Our pelvic floor needs to be activated when we are doing things like running, squatting, and playing on the ground with our kids.  Training the core with functional movements allows us to train the entire core (including the pelvic floor) and utilize it during our daily activities.  While we are on the topic of things to avoid, please DO NOT use vaginal eggs, jade eggs, or do any “vagina weightlifting”.    

Complete functional exercises (everyday, if not twice each day!) that create stability while maintaining intraabdominal pressure (IAP).  Referring back to the information that is seen on the Internet, please please please do not do any crunches or exercises that involve sucking your belly button to your spine and zipping of the transverse abdominus and please do not suck in your stomach.  Your new postpartum body is going to take some getting used to, but you grew, nurtured, and birthed a HUMAN BEING.  How amazing is that?  This space in your womb that once held a life, is now empty and this can leave you feeling the same.  The BIRTHFIT Functional Progressions are designed to heal the core and pelvic floor while waking up the posterior chain.  *These exercises require adequate intraabdominal pressure (IAP) to be done correctly.  See a BIRTHFIT Professional or DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) Practitioner to ensure you are creating IAP in all four quadrants*

See a chiropractor for manual work, including adjustments.  Whether you are pre-pregnancy, pregnant, or postpartum, regular manual work and adjustments is an important key to healing DRA that is frequently missed.  Ensuring that joints are moving properly is crucial for good posture, which is a necessary for using the diaphragm fully. 


Not all chiropractors are created equal.  Not all chiropractors are the right chiropractor to care for you during your pregnancy or your postpartum period.  Chiropractors vary in their style of practice, techniques, and values.  Find a chiropractor with whom you share values with and whose office you enjoy visiting.


NOTE:  Many times in this article I referenced things, like DRA and peeing your pants, as common.  Please note that common does not equal normal.  Work needs to be done until normal is common.

Interested in scheduling an initial appointment for an evaluation and treatment? Schedule online now!


Candace Gesicki, DC

Clinic Owner

General Recommendations for Chiropractic Care + Acupuncture During Pregnancy | Cleveland Prenatal Chiropractor

I am constantly asked how frequently someone should seek chiropractic care during pregnancy and while every patient is given specific recommendations based on their individual experience on this journey, below are my general guidelines and recommendations for women during their journey to motherhood to promote a healthy pregnancy and active birth.


Chiropractic visits every 4-8 weeks
Acupuncture weekly to promote fertility

First trimester:

Chiropractic care every 4-8 weeks
Acupuncture every 1-4 weeks based on early pregnancy symptoms
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week

Second trimester:

Monthly chiropractic visits
Acupuncture sessions every 2-4 weeks
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week
Birth Partner Workshop

Third trimester (Weeks 28-36):

Chiropractic care every 2-4 weeks to promote optimal fetal and pelvis positioning
Acupuncture every 1-2 weeks
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week
Birth Partner Workshop

Third trimester (Weeks 36-40):

Weekly or biweekly chiropractic care to ensure optimal pelvic positioning
Acupuncture weekly to promote cervical ripening and dilating
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week

Candace Gesicki, DC

Clinic Owner