What to Expect During Your First CranioSacral Therapy Visit

During your first visit, the practitioner will ask you in depth questions about your current symptoms, health/medical history and pre-existing conditions.

Make sure to wear comfortable clothing to your appointment, as you will be fully clothed during the whole session. First session usually will last about an hour, and you will begin by lying down on your back on a comfortable massage table.

The practitioner will start at your feet, middle of your body or head. Using five grams of pressure, the provider will gently hold your feet, head, or sacrum to listen to your body’s subtle rhythms. If any restriction is detected, they will gently reposition you to normalize the flow of cerebrospinal fluids.

During the treatment, some people may experience different sensations such as: deep relaxation, falling asleep, having hot or cold sensations, sensing pulsation or numbing. Some people may get a release of emotions as well.


Pediatric Sessions

CST for children might look slightly different than adults. The touch is very light and gentle. Children's sessions can be done while they sitting, laying, crawling, walking, standing or playing on the floor.  Some infants and children may sleep longer and have better bowel movements following a session, while others can be more irritable and awake.

Note: For children younger than 4 years old, Dr. Shirley prefers only pediatric CST appointment combined with chiropractic.  For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Shirley at drdelgado@clechiropractic.com



The number of sessions needed varies depending on every individual current state of health and healing response. After evaluation and fist treatment, the practitioner can discuss in details best treatment course for your body and desired results.

For more information about CranioSacral Therapy, please do not hesitate to contact us. One of the providers will answer all your questions and see if CST is the right treatment for you.



Craniosacral Therapy                                                                 www.upledger.com