General Recommendations for Chiropractic Care + Acupuncture During Pregnancy | Cleveland Prenatal Chiropractor

I am constantly asked how frequently someone should seek chiropractic care during pregnancy and while every patient is given specific recommendations based on their individual experience on this journey, below are my general guidelines and recommendations for women during their journey to motherhood to promote a healthy pregnancy and active birth.


Chiropractic visits every 4-8 weeks
Acupuncture weekly to promote fertility

First trimester:

Chiropractic care every 4-8 weeks
Acupuncture every 1-4 weeks based on early pregnancy symptoms
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week

Second trimester:

Monthly chiropractic visits
Acupuncture sessions every 2-4 weeks
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week
Birth Partner Workshop

Third trimester (Weeks 28-36):

Chiropractic care every 2-4 weeks to promote optimal fetal and pelvis positioning
Acupuncture every 1-2 weeks
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week
Birth Partner Workshop

Third trimester (Weeks 36-40):

Weekly or biweekly chiropractic care to ensure optimal pelvic positioning
Acupuncture weekly to promote cervical ripening and dilating
Prenatal Fitness Class 2x/week

Candace Gesicki, DC

Clinic Owner