
Chiropractic Benefits for a Colicky Baby

An infant spine can get restricted during the stress of birth. Baby pushes through the birth canal adjusting their flexible bones. This process, even though natural, could even cause slight restrictions in the baby’s spine and cranial bones. If there is enough irritation in the spine, it can present as colics, latching and/or breastfeeding issues, sleeping difficulties, torticollis, digestive issues such as acid reflux, diarrhea and constipation.

Constant crying and fuzziness is quite common for infants, especially during the first three to four months. Babies will often cry when they are hungry, tired, or because of a wet diaper. However, if it continues to cry even when you have fed them, comforted them and changed their diaper, they might be colicky. 

A colicky baby can be defined as a healthy baby that cries for prolonged times for no apparent reasons, and it seems difficult to comfort. 

Common colic signs can be presented as:

  • Constant crying w/o comfort

  • Baby looks like it is in some sort of pain (screaming)

  • Having hard time to sleep 

  • Constant gas/bloating

  • Having constipation or diarrhea 

  • Arched back

Certain body restrictions, foods and feeding habits can cause the baby to experience stress in their bodies. 

Chiropractic Care Benefits for Colicky Babies: 

  • Release joint restriction

  • Reduce muscle tension

  • Increases nerve function

  • Improve joint mobility

  • Boost immune system

Chiropractic adjustment can be very helpful. When the restrictions in the joint are released, it boosts the child's body to  work properly when performing daily activities such as eating, digesting, sleeping and moving around. 

It is always recommended to rule out any underlying conditions that can be the cause of your baby’s discomfort. If your baby is experiencing any of these symptoms, reach out to us! We can always let you know if chiropractic care is right for your baby or we can guide you to the right provider. 

In health, 

Dr. Shirley


Chiropractic Care for Newborns and Toddlers

Recently, several of my patients (especially soon to be moms) have come to me asking how soon they should bring their newborns for chiropractic care after being born? The answer is as soon as they want.  Many moms and dads want to take time to bond with their baby, and that’s completely fine! Your baby can wait until you feel ready. However, at times, some babies can go through trauma during birth. The labor process can place a great amount of stress on the infant as well as the mother. Chiropractic care shortly after birth can help to correct any issues caused during birth.  If baby seems to be colicky, tilting their neck to one side (torticollis), having latching problems, are example of symptoms newborns present that might be caused by restrictions on their bodies.


Infant adjustments are extremely gentle.  There is no audible (“cracking”). The pressure applied is comparable to the force you use if you place your finger on your eyelid and press gently. An adjustment on babies will look like sustained pressure, gentle massages, or small compression. We can also create movement by using an instrument called an activator.


Infant to Toddler

Later in life, when babies turn into toddlers, they start falling frequently. This is completely normal! But falling might start causing restrictions on the toddler’s body. For example, their neck or back can get tweaked a little after a fall. Regular chiropractic care can help to correct any structural restrictions resulting from daily activities such as learning how to walk, play time, and more.


It is never too early or too late to begin chiropractic care for your child. If you want to know more about chiropractic for infants and adults, you can contact me at  I’m here to help!


Dr. Shirley