Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy | Cleveland Prenatal Chiropractor

As a chiropractor, I am constantly asked if it is safe to have chiropractic care during pregnancy and the answer is ... yes! Our body constantly changing, even more when your body is preparing to create another human being! Chiropractic care helps to keep your spine in the best alignment possible, taking pressure of your joints, nerves and muscles.

During pregnancy, mom's body goes through physiological and endocrinological changes that happen in order to prepare the body for a developing baby. What does this mean? Mom's pelvis goes through changes so there is enough space for the baby to move during pregnancy and delivery. Postural adaptation starts to happen including changes in the area of the abdomen that can increase the lower back curve, adding extra tension and stress to the muscles, ligaments and joints on the back. All these changes can result in symptoms such as pain, stiffness, soreness, lack of movement of the spine. When spinal movement is reduced, pressure is put upon the nerves exiting the spine causing a decrease in nerve function. These nerves serve as a type of communication to your skin, muscles and organs.

What can chiropractic do to help? Is there any technique that can be use? Chiropractors use different techniques with the purpose of realigning the spine, allowing nerves to function optimally, making the body work to its best ability. One of these techniques used during pregnancy is the Webster Technique. Check back next week for Part 2 of this blog, which covers what Webster Technique is!

Interested in scheduling an initial appointment for an evaluation and treatment? Schedule online now!

Dr. Shirley Delgado

Associate Chiropractor