Benefits of Prenatal Massage During Each Trimester

You may know about the many benefits of regular therapeutic massage, how it can help ease pain, relieve tension in the body, and bring the body to a state of deep relaxation— along with many other benefits! Prenatal massage offers that and a lot more, because there is another person involved— the baby!  When massage is given, the birthing person receives the benefits that are then passed on to the baby. Not only do you receive the wonderful benefits of prenatal massage, but babies in utero receive amazing benefits as well!

Check out the benefits you both receive during each trimester. 

1st Trimester Benefits: 

⭐️Reduce anxiety + stress

-A new pregnancy can cause many emotions to come up, nurturing touch from prenatal massage eases stress allowing you to have a mental break.

⭐️Balance hormones & mood

-Fluctuating hormones can cause nausea, headaches and an imbalance in your mood. Prenatal massage helps the hormones get back into alignment. 

2nd Trimester Benefits:

⭐️Relax muscles

-Neck, shoulder, and back muscles can get very tight during pregnancy. Prenatal massage can help loosen those muscles, while simultaneously reducing muscle soreness and tension.

⭐️Fluid regulation

-Towards the end of pregnancy the hands, legs, and feet can become swollen. Prenatal massage can help reduce swelling, improving lymph circulation.

3rd Trimester Benefits:

⭐️Minimize nerve pain

-A growing belly can cause lots of compression on the nerves throughout the body. Prenatal massage can help to relax muscles surrounding the nerve and relieve compression, aiding in pain relief naturally. 

⭐️Improve circulation

-During pregnancy some birthing individuals may reduce their activity level, causing poor blood circulation. Prenatal massage helps distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout your body, benefiting both baby and birthing person. 

Bonus Benefits: 

⭐️Encourage relaxation and renewal

⭐️Connection to baby

⭐️Create length & space in birthing body 

Regular prenatal massages can help your body adapt to the changes that are occurring so that you are as comfortable as possible.

Isis Shabazz, LMT

Isis available for prenatal massage and general massage appointments on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Saturday. Schedule your massage online!

Recognizing and Treating Tongue-Tie: What Every Parent Should Know

Every year, many babies are born with tongue and lip ties. Early diagnosis and treatment is recommended for young children to support optimal growth and function while helping to avoid long-term side effects.

Seeking chiropractic care can be an important part of care and rehab following tongue tie and lip tie revisions, helping to ensure proper alignment and function of the tongue, mouth, head, neck, and the rest of the Deep Front Line (DFL) anatomy train which includes the diaphragm, spinal stabilizing muscles, hips flexors, and intrinsic knee and foot muscles!

What is a tongue or lip tie?

Tongue tie (or ankyloglossia) is an unusually short, thick, or tight frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth). For many instances of tongue tie, a lip tie is also present. Similarly, to tongue tie, a lip tie is when the band of tissue that connects the upper lip to the gums is too tight, short, or thick. Ties are congenital issues. When an embryo is growing in the womb, the tongue and the floor of the mouth fuse together. Over time, the tongue separates from the floor of the mouth. Eventually, only a thin cord of tissue, the frenulum, connects the bottom of the tongue to the mouth floor. As an infant grows, the frenulum usually thins and shrinks. In children who are affected by a tongue tie, the frenulum remains thick or attached to the tongue tip and does not recede, which makes it difficult to move the tongue.

What are the signs and symptoms of a tongue or lip tie?

There are several signs and symptoms for babies with ties.

Signs and symptoms commonly seen in tongue tied infants include, but are not limited to:

·        Clicking while nursing

·        Colic

·        Difficulty nursing (including not able to finish sessions)

·        Excessive drooling

·        Excessive spitting up

·        Fussiness

·        Gagging

·        Gassiness

·        Hiccups

·        Milk blisters

·        Mucous in stool

·        Poor latch or suction

·        Reflux

·        Restricted tongue movement

·        Sleeping with mouth open

·        Slow weight gain

·        Stiffness or back arching

·        Torticollis

·        Uncomfortable or fussy when in a car seat

·        Weight loss

Note: these signs/symptoms may also be associated with other issues or dysfunctions. Consult your healthcare provider if your baby is experiencing any of the issues listed.

Signs and symptoms commonly seen in mamas of tongue-tied babies include, but are not limited to:

·        Bruising on or around nipple

·        Breasts frequently not feeling emptied after nursing sessions

·        Clogged ducts

·        Engorgement

·        Flattened or creased nipple after nursing session

·        Mastitis or inflammation of breasts

·        Overactive or delayed milk ejection

·        Pain (during or after nursing)

·        Supply issues

·        Uncomfortable or unnatural feeding positions

Why do babies need to be evaluated and diagnosed for ties?

If you think your child may have a tongue and/or lip tie, they should be evaluated, diagnosed, and given care as soon as possible. There are several pediatric specialists who can evaluate and diagnose ties including lactation consultants, pediatric dentists, chiropractors, ear/nose/throat (ENT) specialists, pediatricians, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. Tongue and lip ties can affect an infant’s ability to properly nurse/feed, swallow, breath, and even self-soothe. If the tongue cannot move in a full and functional range of motion, it is unable to properly shape the hard palate (roof of the mouth) which also plays a critical role in normal feeding, movements, and overall growth and development. Unaddressed ties may even have long-lasting affects including speech delays or impediments, challenges with normal movement or functional development, vagus nerve interference, behavioral issues, head and neck tension, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, crowding of teeth, and sleep disorders.

How is it treated?

Once a tongue tie has been properly diagnosed, often the next step recommended is to have it revised (or “clipped”). The procedure is typically very quick and minimally invasive.  Modern techniques with laser revisions are quick, effective, and often babies sleep through the procedure! Babies usually can nurse immediately following the correction. Your baby’s revision specialist will typically recommend follow up care including consulting a chiropractor or craniosacral therapist along with home care to help with the healing.

Follow-up care: Chiropractic Care and Craniosacral Therapy

Following the revision, it is beneficial to consult a chiropractor and/or craniosacral therapist (or ideally both!). These practitioners help ensure proper alignment and function of the surrounding areas as well as teach you stretches and retraining exercises, so full functionality is returned as soon as possible. It is also beneficial to schedule an appointment with a lactation consultant to ensure there are no other challenges interfering with optimal nursing.

Many may not think of utilizing chiropractic care for tongue tie treatments and post revision care. Everything in the body is connected; when restriction is present due to a tethered tongue, it often leads to restriction and tension of the surrounding muscles and fascia of the Deep Front Line (DFL). This may result in abnormal movement and positioning of spinal segments, affecting the nervous system and other motor patterns or functional development. Checking and maintaining proper movement and function of the spine and related soft tissue may result in faster healing and more optimal functionality not only of the tongue and the surrounding muscles, but the entire body as well.

Craniosacral therapy may help reduce stress and tension in the body and remove interferences to the cranial bones and nerves caused or related to tongue tie. The restriction not only affects the tongue but can also limit motion of the cranial bones which can affect proper shaping of the head, including molding the hard palate. When the cranial bones are unable to move optimally, flattening of the skull can occur.

We can help!

At Cleveland Chiropractic, our chiropractors are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of tongue and lip ties, collaborate with lactation consultants and specialists to diagnose and revise the ties, and help support a child’s healing and function through specific adjustments and craniosacral therapy. If you have any questions about how we may help your baby, call our office or schedule a consultation. 

In health,

Dr. Abbey

Creating Healthy Habits

First of all, I hope you are having the greatest start for 2022. I know we (at least me!), try to make new health and habits goals when starting the new year. But let's be honest, usually goals last for a few months but what happens after that? You guessed it, we get lost on work and on our daily lifestyle. 

This year I want to do something different. Every month of the year, I  want to work with a new healthy habit. And I want to share that with all of you. Maybe, as a community, we can help each other out to reach our goals and improve our overall health. Isn't it great when our mind and body feels great? Well, I want that feeling to last forever. 

Here is a list of healthy habits and goals I’ve been working on for the past few months and I want to keep incorporating them daily(hope I don’t disappoint!):

  • Meditation - sit down at least 5-10 minutes a day to achieve mental clearness and start my day calm and collected. 

  • Screen Time - definitely need to reduce screen time from my phone. Social media is a big thing nowadays. It’s a way to keep us connected with family and friends but let's be real, it can be so overwhelming at times.

    •  Also, let’s talk about text neck - bad posture creates changes in our natural cervical spine making us prone to dysfunction and weakness of muscles and ligaments. 

    • High screening time can alter our sleeping patterns. It can disrupt the melatonin surge needed to sleep leading to a less restful sleep.

  • Exercising - oh yes! This is a big one, right? But how good you feel physically and mentally after moving and working out. Exercising at least 3x/week boosts your energy, improves metabolism, promotes better sleep and better mood, controls weight and many more benefits. 

  • Self Care - don’t we all need this! Getting regular chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture therapy and/or therapeutic massages helps your body to reduce stress and tension improving your overall body function. It is imperative to take care of ourselves. 

  • Colorful Diet - really important to have a very fun and colorful diet filled with vegetables and fruits. Make new recipes adding color like mac & cheese with carrots and broccoli. Use your imagination to add new and healthy recipes to your life. 

  • Mental Health- this one is a game changer for me. For the past year we have been living difficult times and it is important to keep our mental health in check from time to time. I believe it is important to have a professional who can  guide you in better ways to cope with our difficult times. 

If you or someone you know is looking for ways to take care of your body, know that here at Cleveland Chiropractic we provide chiropractic care, acupuncture therapy, therapeutic massage, prenatal and postpartum care and physical therapy. Do not hesitate to reach out!


With love, 

Dr. Shirley

Cesarean Scar Mobilization

Scar tissue has less mobility than normal tissue does. During a cesarean, the incision goes through 7 layers of tissue (6 layers of abdominals and the uterus). Pain and dysfunction, including headaches/migraines, neck pain, TMJ disorder, painful nodules, plantar fascitis, low back pain, incontinence, hip pain, constipation, and low libido, can commonly occur after a cesarean. Mobilizing the scar tissue and advanced treatment (such as Mercier Therapy or scar tissue specific manual therapy) can help immensely improve the mobility of your scar tissue and reduce pain and symptoms.

You can start mobilizing your cesarean scar about 6 weeks after birth, if your incision is healed.

Check out Dr. Candace’s suggestions for how to mobilize your cesarean scar. If you are looking for advanced therapy, consider scheduling a Mercier Therapy consult with her.

Top 5 Pregnancy Myths Busted

#1. C- section is EASIER than Vaginal Birth: There is often a misconception that because your birth was surgical that it was easier- especially if you scheduled your C-Section. Surgical birth has become very safe and common, so many people assume that the recovery is easy, However, Caesarean birth is still major abdominal surgery and will generally have a longer recovery time. If you experience a C-section, remember to be gentle with yourself and give yourself plenty of time to rest and recover. Not only are you healing from the demands of pregnancy but you are now healing from major surgery as well

#2 C -sections will prevent urinary incontinence: While the statistics show that there is a greater incidence of stress urinary incontinence associated with vaginal birth than with a planned C-section, women who undergo a planned C-section can still experience urinary incontinence. According to a recent study published in the May 2021 issue of the medical Journal Medicine, more than mode of delivery was associated with risk of Stress Urinary Incontinence. For first time mothers, pre-pregnancy BMI, Diabetes, Abortion, Newborn Weight, Use of Epidural Anesthesia and Duration of Second Stage of Labor all were significant factors in development of Stress Urinary Incontinence. An honest conversation with your healthcare provider will allow you to make the best decision for your birth.


Gao J, Liu X, Zuo Y, Li X. Risk factors of postpartum stress urinary incontinence in primiparas: What should we care. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021;100(20):e25796. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000025796

#3 Sex will hurt the first time after birth- While this can be the experience of some women, it is definitely not the norm. Just as before baby, intimacy is more than just intercourse and your biggest organ of intimacy is your brain. Communicate any fears to your partner and make sure that you take physical intimacy slowly. Give yourself enough time to heal and find new ways to be physically intimate along the way. Massages, warm baths, have a good laugh and/or an enjoyable dinner, plenty of time to relax can help. Remember that each woman heals differently after birth and give yourself plenty of time to work your way into a physical relationship. If the above suggestions are not working or you feel something is really off, this would be a great time to schedule an evaluation with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy.

#4 Labor has to be a painful and awful experience- Watch any shows on television and you will see birth as a painful and tortuous experience. Unfortunately, we are not shown how many labors are a lot of work but can be peaceful and rewarding. There are many childbirth preparations classes available that show that by physically and mentally preparing for a birth, you can have a wonderful experience. Chrissy’s personal favorite resource is Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin because more than half the book is dedicated to affirming and uplifting birth stories that help combat the negative images of birth that we are surrounded with by society.

#5. Just because your Healthcare Provider clears you for activity at your 6 week check up does not mean everything has to be back to “normal”- Post-partum recovery takes much longer than 6 weeks! Your body is amazing when it grows (and delivers) a human, Post-Partum recovery can take up to a year especially if you are breast feeding. It is never too late to help with post-partum issues. As a physical Therapist, I have helped women more than 10+ years post-partum deal with issues that happened

during or after their pregnancy. If you are struggling with back pain, incontinence, pelvic pain or heaviness, difficulty getting back into an exercise routine or difficulty exercising, schedule an appointment to see Chrissy, our Pelvic Health PT, to help you speed up your healing process

Chrissy Frey, Pelvic Health PT

Detoxing After the Holidays

After the holidays, it’s common to feel sluggish, run down, and fatigued. The hustle and bustle of all the prepping, shopping, parties and celebrations, along with changes in schedules, different holiday food, and change in sleep can leave the us feeling worn down and in need of a reset. The start of a new year often brings people to focus more on their health and wellness. Looking for some tips to detox and cleanse after the holidays? Not sure what you can do during your prenatal or postpartum period to detox? Here are some recommendations to help you achieve your health and wellness goals to feel and function your best in the start of the new year (and all year long):

1. Drink Plenty of Water/Stay Hydrated

During the holidays, your detoxing organs tend to work overtime! Your liver and kidneys are probably still trying to filter out toxins from the food and drinks enjoyed during all the celebrations. Our skin is also an important part of detoxing; it experiences extra stress during the winter months due to cold weather and dry air. Being fully hydrated is essential if you want to detox after the holidays, because water is needed to eliminate the excess waste from the body and functional optimally. Ideally, the goal is to drink half your weight in ounces/day. For a 150lb person, this would be 75 ounces each day. If you are currently not drinking water throughout the day or consuming much less than this, try adding a glass of water when you wake up and before each meal. Using a water bottle that has the ounces labeled or reminders for drinking during the day may help you stay hydrated and reach your goals. You can also add fruit such as citrus or berries or cucumbers or herbs such as mint or ginger to enhance your water; it also helps your body absorb more water, too! Drinking herbal teas with lemon, ginger, chamomile, rose hips, dandelion, burdock root, nettle, or chaga mushroom can help to cleanse the body as well. IMPORTANT: if you are pregnant or nursing, be sure to consult your doctor before consuming any herbs as some are not recommended or are contraindicated. 

2. Clean Up Your Kitchen!

If you want to detox and recover from your holidays, it’s important to clean-up of the food in your house and set yourself up for success. Swap sweets, junk, and processed foods for fresh, nourishing whole foods. To avoid snacking on junk, have healthy options prepped and ready, such as cut up veggies, healthy dips or dressings premade, and freezing meal-sized portions for easier use during the week. Try shopping in bulk and doing meal prep for the week; this may be cleaning and cutting produce, cooking proteins, or putting ingredients together and storing to cook later in the week. Check out meal prep ideas online if you need ideas for how to plan for busy weeks or for your family. Follow pages such as Whole30, The Paleo Mom, or Nom Nom Paleo for clean, healthy, and delicious menu ideas!

3. Eat Detoxing Foods

Eat more fruits and vegetables! Not only are the loaded with water and fiber, which is needed to promote healthy bowel movements, but also in essential vitamins and minerals...and they even contain  protein! Daily, you should consume at least five portions of veggies, four portions of fruits and limit grains and simple carbohydrates. Don’t forget to incorporate healthy fats such as coconut oil, avocado oil, ghee or grass-fed butter, and nuts and seeds. Healthy fats support hormone function and cell health which are both important for optimal digestion and detox. Fermented foods such as krauts, pickled-foods, kimchi, keifer, and kombucha help to build up good gut flora (good bacteria) which not only aids digestion, but also helps with detoxing and elimination. Cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts, cabbage and mustard greens are high in fiber and sulforaphane, a compound that has been shown to boost the liver’s detox enzymes and support the immune system. Cruciferous foods are also high in vitamin C (actually, more than citrus!), which has great cleansing properties and is essential to help repair the skin and other soft tissue. Note: if you are nursing, eating high amounts of cruciferous vegetables may cause gassiness in baby; consult your doctor or lactation consult before changing your diet.

4. Get Your Cells Moving!

During the holidays, we tend to be less physically active. Not only is movement important for our muscles and joints but it is also vital for optimal circulation for our bodies to rid themselves of toxins. Exercising helps the digestive system and promotes regular bowel movements. If you were on a fitness routine before the holidays but fell off track, there is no better time to get back into your rhythm! If you weren’t exercising or didn’t have a routine, consider adding gentle activities such as walking or yoga. During winter, incorporating more movement not only supports the body’s detox system, but helps us keep warm and improved circulation. This may be the year to join a gym, start fitness classes (ask us about our prenatal and postpartum series!), or even work with a trainer to reach your goals. There are a lot of great online options that may fit your needs as well. Ask us or one of your healthcare providers what would be a good fit for you. In addition to fitness and exercising, adding healthy therapies such as massage, acupuncture, and infrared sauna sessions can help your body detox. All these holistic therapies support optimal circulation and lymphatic drainage which are essential to the detox process. 

5. Support with Supplements

Even someone who eats the healthiest diet can benefit from taking supplements. Why is this? Unfortunately, the foods we eat are not as nutrient-rich as we think due to soil depletion, pesticides, and processing and oxidation. Choosing organic and either growing or buying local are great ways to increase the nutrient content. To fill in any nutritional gaps, or supplement our diet, “supplements” can be beneficial not only to support overall health but also help the body to detox and function optimally. You can boost your energy levels and your immune system with natural supplements such as B vitamins, probiotics, Vitamin D, magnesium, Coenzyme Q10, and zinc. Of course, everyone’s nutrient needs are different and unique. There are detoxing cleanse programs that may help jumpstart your post-holiday detox. Consult one of our doctors, a naturopath, or functional medicine practitioner to learn how to better fill in the gaps and better support your body.

6. Detox Your Mind 

Remember that detoxing your body can include detoxing your mind and your lifestyle. Start by focusing on one area or aspect of your life. This can be adding positive daily affirmations, journaling, practicing mediation or prayer, or even taking a walk. Maybe consider cleaning out a drawer or cluttered area a day (or week); clutter in our life can create clutter and stress in our minds. Stress changes how our body functions; increased or prolonged stress responses increases cortisol production and slows the detox process. Consider making modifications to decrease the stressors in your life such as reducing or eliminating unnecessary tasks or responsibilities, changing how you respond to stress/adding activities to help manage stress, and asking for help to avoid feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Hopefully, utilizing some of these tips will help you to detox and reset for the new year. Be patient with yourself and take each day at a time. Some days may be more challenging than others, but keep the end in mind: a healthier you! Some days it’s more challenging to make healthier choices; give yourself grace and remember that each day is a new day. If you are currently sick or feeling overly run-down, this may not be the best time for detoxing, cleaning, or taking on new habits. You can certainly modify the foods and drinks you consume and practice other healthy habits until your body is ready for a detox program and more exercise. The most important thing is to do more self-care and make positive steps towards a healthier you in the new year. May your new year be filled with good health, wellness, and happiness. 

In health,

Dr. Abbey

Baby's First Adjustment

Majority of new moms at the office ask me when would be the best time to bring their little ones for a chiropractic adjustment. What are the benefits of a baby getting adjusted? Is it really necessary?  To answer the question about when would be a great time to bring their newborns, there is not a right or wrong answer but I do always encourage the parents to get their baby checked as soon as possible. And This is why!

Birth trauma continues to be an under-treated issue. Complications during birth can create misalignments and restrictions on the baby’s spinal column. It is important to know that most of the neurological development happens within the first year of life. When there are restrictions in their bodies, some might begin to present symptoms such asdifficulty breastfeeding or latching, torticollis, colic, acid reflux and digestive issues. 

Adjustments for baby’s are very gentle and use less force than the pressure you would apply to your own eye. Yes! It is very gentle! This pressure is enough to correct the restrictions and create changes so the baby's body can work in it’s optimal capacity. 

What happens when my children get older? Do they still need to get adjusted regularly?

During children's growing phases, they start to reach different milestones that are key to a healthy development. Early milestones happen within the first year. A few examples are: holding their head steady without support, rolling from back to tummy position,  holding toys or bottles in their hands, crawling, climbing,  standing up without support and walking. 

Later, during their more independent stages, children will engage in more complicated activities such as kicking a ball, grabbing a bat, dancing, running, hopping and maybe participating in sports. 

All of these activities play an important role in your child’s development even though we don’t realize that often. While reaching these milestones, your child’s body can get misaligned and restricted during the process. It is completely normal! But when the restriction stays on their body for a longer period of time it can cause muscle tightness, joint restrictions and discomfort that can interfere with the child’s daily activities.

Chiropractic care reduces the stress to their bodies and nervous system allowing the body to perform optimally and improve their potential for healing and wellness. Adjustments for the little ones are completely different from adult adjustments. Restrictions are corrected with gentle pressure or using an instrument called an Activator. 

Symptoms mentioned above respond very well to chiropractic care which also supports milestone development and immunity. The purpose of treatment is to restore and maintain normal body function so your little one grows into a happy and healthy adult!

If you are interested in getting more information on how we can help, please visit our website, send an email to or contact us as (216)952-3830. 

Chat soon!, 

Dr. Shirley

Postpartum Journey

We all read and see in the movies that the postpartum period is a beautiful time for the mother to bond with their child, heal and rest. And it is completely true! But in reality, it can be extremely overwhelming. Expectant mamas spend so much time during their prenatal period preparing for birth, but some of them don’t have any idea how to prepare for their postpartum.

It is difficult to know what you will experience during those first few weeks, but planning as much as possible can be helpful. It can make a huge difference in your mood, stress levels and relationships during the first few weeks with a newborn. It might also help you with reducing chances of postpartum depression or other mood disorders. 

These are a few tips on how to plan for a positive postpartum experience and can be helpful for you: 

  • Write down a plan. It can be something as simple as a to do list to a more comprehensive plan. The idea is to discuss with the people in your life. 

  • Prioritize your needs!!!

  • Set boundaries with your family and friends. They will understand!

  • Ask for help. You don’t have to do this alone and there is nothing to be embarrassed about asking for help. 

  • Try to target one task at a time. Mama, it is not that you can’t do it but know that you don’t have to do everything at the same time. Give yourself space.

  • Hire a postpartum doula. If you don’t have family/friends nearby, a doula could help you with your transition to motherhood. 

Don’t forget to have at hand some of these supplies that will help you during those first few weeks: maternity pads, ice packs for soreness, large breathable underwear, nipple shield, food!

The Physical, Emotional and Mental Struggle 

Did you know postpartum symptoms can linger for years if left untreated? The reality is that evidence suggests many women experiencing postpartum symptoms such as pelvic floor dysfunction, physical pain/discomfort and postpartum depression/anxiety may go undiagnosed for months! Yes, months!

Ongoing care after the 6 weeks postpartum mark is extremely important. Postpartum health issues can surface after your first postpartum visit! You will experience physical and emotional highs and lows, trying to find balance during your new time as a mom. It is important for you to recognize when personal and professional help is needed. 

Here are some of important symptoms to be attentive at during your transition:

  • Urinary leakage (sneezing, coughing, jumping, walking)

  • Constant pelvic pain/back pain

  • Constipation/Diarrhea

  • Hormonal shifts

  • Sore breast/nipples 

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Or any other symptoms that do not feel right to you!

At times it might be difficult for moms to prioritize their care while  taking care of a newborn and adjusting to motherhood. Don’t forget it takes a village and it’s ok if you can’t do it all by yourself! 

Important Resources

It is important to have at hand useful information about healthcare providers that could help you make your transition to motherhood one smoother and positive! Here are a few useful tips and resources that we think you could benefit from: 

  • It is ok to ask for help when needed. If you have the support, don’t be afraid to use it. 

  • Make an appointment with a pelvic floor PT if you are experiencing pelvic pain, leakage, abdominal pain. 

  • Go to birth circles in your area. Talking to other moms can be therapeutic. 

  • Talk to your chiropractor about your physical discomfort. We can help and guide you to start your postpartum recovery. 

  • If having breastfeeding issues, talk to a lactation consultant. 

  • Get a massage when possible. You deserve it!

  • Talk to a therapist specialized in postpartum. 

Remember, recovery can look different for each mama. It can be longer than expected, but that’s ok. It is your journey and only yours! Quality time with your newborn is an important part of the journey, but don’t forget that your mind and body needs healing as well!

Tips for Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Pregnant and exhausted? You’re not alone! A woman’s body goes through many changes and adjustments during pregnancy, and growing a human requires a lot of energy.  Many adjustments and changes happen during pregnancy: from changes in diet and physical activity to modifications of daily habits and routines, including sleep positions which can become issues as baby grows. Hormone shifts change body functions including digestion, bladder function, and even how the brain processes. These can all cause issues with restful sleep by affecting the ability to fall or stay asleep. A good night’s rest is not only important for mom, but also for her growing baby.  So, what can be done to help get better sleep? Here are a few tips and suggestions that may help you get more restful sleep during pregnancy:


1.     Get comfortable

Using pillows to support your body while sleeping during pregnancy is definitely recommended! Especially as baby grows and mom’s belly gets bigger, pillows and other cushioning can be very helpful to get comfortable and feel supported during sleep. Try using a pregnancy pillow or body pillow to support under your baby bump, between your knees and even to hug to take pressure off your shoulders and upper back. You can even use a pillow or rolled-up blanket in the small of your back to relieve pressure. If you are experiencing pain in your hips or low back, laying on a foam mattress pad or other cushioning may help take pressure off these joints. Also, make sure your neck is properly supported as well; avoid using pillows that are too flat or too fluffy which may affect normal alignment when you are sleeping. Sleeping on your side is recommended. Most doctors recommend women to sleep on their left side to help with support circulation and organs.


2. Practice Healthy Sleep Habits/Routines

Sleep experts recommend keeping electronics out of the bedroom and avoid using screens before bed. If you must have your phone or smart device in your room, keep it at least three feet from you. Turning off your home’s Wi-Fi at night and/or putting your phone on airplane mode can help decrease EMF waves which can interrupt normal brainwaves and sleep cycles. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day to help maintain a healthy, balanced circadian rhythm. Keep your room at a comfortable temperature (not too hot or cold) and use curtains or blinds/shades to keep light out while sleeping, especially if you need to sleep during light hours.


3. Monitor What You Eat and Drink

Some foods such as high acidic or spicy foods may cause heartburn or indigestion, especially during pregnancy. Foods that cause constipation can make it difficult to sleep as well. Some people note that certain foods cause them to have unusual dreams which may disrupt sleep. If you know that certain foods affect your sleep, try eating them earlier in the day. Eating smaller meals spread throughout the day may help with digestion and make it easier to sleep. While it is essential to stay hydrated, try to drink more during the day and not close to bedtime. This can help decrease the number of times you need to wake up to use the bathroom at night. Pregnant women should eliminate caffeine while pregnant; if you are consuming any caffeine, avoid drinking it before bedtime.


5. Take Care of Your Muscles.

It is common for women to experience leg cramps or restless legs during pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Increased need for minerals along with changes in blood flow or circulation can result in muscles not getting essential nutrients. Before bed, try stretching to improve circulation and decrease tension. Eating foods rich in calcium (such as green leafy vegetables, seeds, and beans/legumes) and magnesium (such as nuts, dark chocolate (try a healthy option like Hu brand), and potatoes or sweet potatoes. Magnesium lotions may support muscle function and relax tension. Mineral supplementation may be beneficial as well; consult your doctor for specific recommendations.


6. Relax Your Mind

If you can’t sleep within 30 minutes, get up and do a non-stimulating activity like reading. If you exercise and have a difficult time falling asleep, you may find that changing the time and type of movement you do close to bedtime helps. Some find that doing slower, more relaxing exercises such as yoga closer to going to sleep helps relax their body and mind. If you do more active exercise, doing your fitness before dinner or a few hours before you go to bed may allow your body more time to relax and prepare for sleep. To calm the mind and relax the body, try incorporating calming practices into your schedule, like yoga, journaling, meditation/prayer, and breathing exercises.


Follow these tips to help get a better night’s sleep for you and your baby. Our doctors and staff are here to support you during your motherhood journey. If you are having issues with sleep during pregnancy, schedule an appointment to ease stress and tension in your body and learn how you can improve your sleep and get better rest.

Dr. Abbey's 2021 Gift Guide

The holidays are here! As you are making your list and checking it twice, you are likely to find gift wish-lists filled with high-tech electronics, commercialized products, processed/sugar-filled “treats.” over-the-top labels, or junk that may soon end up in the trash. Instead of rushing around and being overwhelmed with commercialism, consider a different approach. This year especially, people are encouraged to shop small, shop local, and give less “stuff.” Wanting some ideas for what to gift to your family and friends? Check out this list of unique, health-focused, alternative, and fun ideas!


No matter who are shopping for, food can be an appreciated gift to receive. Buy local goods or gift cards to support local small business restaurants. Here are a few businesses and other useful gift ideas:

·       Healthy eats: Check out 24 Karrot, Juice Labs, Beyond Juicery & Eatery

·       Locally owned restaurants! Be sure to support places you love to help them through the holidays; many offer bonus gift cards, too!

·       Coffee, Tea, or Juice Bars like Juice Labs, Beyond Juicery & Eatery, and Joe Max

·       Grocery stores: check out small markets, grocers, and farms near you to support small business!

For other thoughtful, useful food gifts consider:  

·       Local goods such as honey, bee pollen, maple syrup, grass-fed butter, or fresh baked goods

·       Quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar (Kasandrinos is great! They source directly from their family’s land in Greece)

·       Local meats or gift certificate to a local butcher

·       Quality spices: look for organic and fair-trade options

·       Also, be sure to check out Westside Market!

Looking to share the gift of health? Let us help! We offer gift cards which can be used for any of our services (including massages!). Contact our office at 216-952-3830 or email us to purchase. Also, check out wellness centers and health promoting businesses such as Holistic Halo Salt Spa and Osteostrong.


Wanting to give the gift of experience and fun? Gift certificates are a great way to support local businesses, parks, museums, and the arts and, also, give a meaningful gift. Here are ideas for gift cards that people will appreciate:

·       Check out local artisan shops and boutiques like Cleveland Craft Nook and Artful 21

·       Gift a membership to the zoo, museums, or activity park

·       Gift certificates for local activities/experiences: check out The Kiln Pottery Studio


Below are some ideas to help with everyone on your list:

Gifts for anyone:

·       Weighted blankets: check out Luna and Bearaby

·       Blue light blocking glasses (great idea for kids, too): check out DefenderShield, Night Swannies, and Gunnar Optiks

·       DefenderShield products: help reduce EMF radiation from electronic devices

·       Instapot (so many delicious and healthy recipes can be made quickly and easily with it)

·       Fairtrade, organic coffee or tea

·       Salt lamps: check out Holistic Halo Salt Spa

·       Essential Oils and a diffuser: (Plant Therapy, Young Living, and DoTerra offer quality essential oils)

·       Collagen peptides (we love Vital Proteins! We carry it in our office.)

·       Better for your feet/more functional footwear: Xero Shoes, Softstar shoes, Vivobarefoot, Lems, Be Lenka, Feel Grounds

·       Correct Toes toe spacers



Gift Ideas for Women:

In addition to some of the other ideas already listed, here are some ideas for the women and moms in your life:

·       Natural wax candles made with essential oils

·       Gift cards or memberships for yoga/pilates classes, fitness programs, or barre classes

·       Non-toxic nail polish: Zoya, Butter London, Poofy Organics, 100% Pure, Color Street nail strips

·       Better for you beauty: BeautyCounter, Poofy Organics, Crunchi,  100% Pure

·       Massages and spa sessions


Gift Ideas for Pregnancy or Postpartum:

·       Gift certificate for a doula!

·       “Coupons” to run errands, cook meals, or help around the house

·       Mama teas: Traditional Medicinals and Earth Mama Organics have some great blends

·       Belly butter and nipple butter: check out Earth Mama Organics, Honest Co, The Moms Co.

·       Prenatal or postpartum massage (we offer them at our clinic!)

·       Nursing pillow such as the Brestfriend or Boppy

·       Water bottle: check out cute custom ones on Etsy!

·       Belly Armor gear (helps protect against EMF radiation)


Gift Ideas for Men:

·       Gift certificate for physical activities such as rock climbing, martial arts, or fitness centers

·       Gift certificate for a massage (guys love massages, too!)

·       Healthier snacks such as Epic bars or Chomps

·       Custom or personalized gift such as watch, watch/ring holder, or pocket knife

·       Functional footwear like Zero shoes, Lems, Vivobarefoot; also consider toe socks!

·       Quality/non-toxic skin products such as beard oil, deodorant, soaps, and lotions (Check out Beautcounter’s and Maison Apothecare’s men’s line!)


Gift Ideas for Baby/Toddler:

·       Ana & Anais swaddles

·       Wooden toys or blocks (make sure they do not have lead paint!)

·       Wooden letter piggy bank

·       Personalized name puzzle

·       Honeysticks natural beeswax crayons

·       Books (check out ones about nature, animals, learning the world, and learning about emotions)

·       And be sure to check out Etsy or local boutiques for other great ideas!


Gift Ideas for Kids:

·       Membership to the zoo or a museum

·       Monthly activities kits for kids (such as Kiwi or Green Kids Crafts)

·       Activity membership: swim, dance, gymnastics, karate, art classes, music lessons, etc

·       Kid cooking set

·       Indoor garden set for kids

·       Books (check out ones about nature, health, and kindness)

·       Also, check Etsy or local boutiques for other great ideas!


Hope these ideas inspire you and help with your holiday gifting. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season! May it be full of love, peace, and joy.

Back and Sciatic Pain During Pregnancy

During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, your body will go through so many changes. The body’s gravity starts shifting and your posture starts to change, adding more pressure to the joints  and the soft tissue of surrounding areas. These changes can cause joint restriction and muscle/ligament instability in your spine, pelvis, sacrum and hips.  

Common symptoms you might experience during this transition are: 

  • muscle tightness 

  • soreness

  • joint stiffness

  • pubic bone pain

  • numbness/pins & needles

  • sacroiliac joint pain

  • most commonly, lower back pain and/or sciatica.

It is very common to experience some of these symptoms throughout pregnancy, even during the first trimester. However, it is not something you have to work through and deal with until you give birth. You have options! 

How can chiropractic care help to decrease pain, discomfort, and improve functional stability during pregnancy?

Chiropractic adjustments are designed to restore normal joint mobility, improve stability and reduce joint restrictions. The presence of joint restrictions, muscle and ligament instability around the lower back, pelvis and hips, can make it difficult for mom to move around. It also can affect baby's ability to move into optimal position during delivery. 

Chiropractors at our office utilize the Webster Technique to establish mother's pelvic balance and alignment during pregnancy.  With a balanced pelvis and spine:

  • Spine and pelvic mobility is restored, decreasing pain and discomfort during pregnancy. 

  • Baby has more room to move around the womb. Also improves the chance of the baby moving into the correct position before labor, facilitating the delivery. 

  • Optimal baby positioning at the time of birth can result in an easier and safer delivery for both the mother and child.

Exercises for Back Pain and Sciatica During Pregnancy

Here are a few positions and exercises recommended for core strengthening and muscle/ligament stability: 

  • Pigeon Pose

  • Lunges (Progress to lizard)

  • Kneeling squats (Beginners)

  • Tabletop (Core exercise)

  • Cat/Cow

  • Hip Thrust

  • Straddle stretch

You can also make modifications during your night time. Sleep with a pregnancy pillow, when turning in bed from side to side keep your legs together and get up from your side (no crunches) when getting up from bed. 

These exercises and stretches are beginner friendly. But always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine. We can help to create a unique routine addressing your goals and needs!

We can help you. Call us today! 
In health,

Dr. Shirley


Prenatal Period- Body Changes, Healthcare and Exercises

During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, your body will go through so many changes. The body’s gravity starts shifting and your posture starts to change, adding more pressure to the joints  and the soft tissue of surrounding areas. These, and the hormonal changes you are going through as well, can increase the chances of joint restriction and muscle/ligament instability in your spine, pelvis, sacrum and hips.  

Common symptoms you might experience during this transition are (but not limited to): 

  • muscle tightness 

  • soreness

  • joint stiffness

  • pubic bone pain

  • numbness/pins & needles

  • most commonly, lower back pain and/or sciatica.

Another common lower back symptom can be caused by irritation to the sacroiliac joint. 

There is weight gain and fluid retention during pregnancy, which can cause aggravation to the joints in your back and pelvis. Sciatica pain can be caused by either the piriformis muscle tightness putting pressure on the sciatic nerve or the growing uterus adding direct pressure to the sciatica nerve at the L4-L5 level. 

It is very common to experience some of these symptoms throughout pregnancy, even during the first trimester. However, it is not something you have to work through and deal with until you give birth. You have options! 


Treatments such as chiropractic adjustment, massage, acupuncture and pelvic floor PT can help you to get back to your pain free self. 

For example, chiropractic adjustments are designed to restore normal joint mobility, improve stability and reduce joint restrictions. The presence of joint restrictions, muscle and ligament instability around the lower back, pelvis and hips, can make it difficult for mom to move around. It also can affect baby's ability to move into optimal position during delivery. 

Chiropractors at our office utilize the Webster Technique to establish mother's pelvic balance and alignment during pregnancy.  With a balanced pelvis and spine, spine and pelvic mobility is restored, decreasing pain and discomfort during pregnancy.  This can help the baby to have more room to move around the womb improving the chances of the baby moving into the correct position before labor, facilitating the delivery. 


During your body transition through pregnancy, it can create instability in certain areas which can be the root of your pain. Our goal is to prepare and strengthen your body for the development of your little one and delivery. 

Here are a few positions and exercises recommended for core strengthening and muscle/ligament stability. (These exercises and stretches are beginner friendly): 

  • Pigeon Pose

  • Lunges (Progress to lizard)

  • Kneeling squats (Beginners)

  • Tabletop (Core exercise)

  • Cat/Cow

  • Hip Thrust

  • Straddle stretch

You can also make modifications during your night time. Sleep with a pregnancy pillow, when turning in bed from side to side keep your legs together and get up from your side (no crunches) when getting up from bed. 

If  you are pregnant or trying to conceive, working with a chiropractor from day one can dramatically improve your body function, giving you and your child the best opportunity for better health. We can help you. Call us today! 

In health,

Dr. Shirley


5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of many changes and transitions. While baby is growing, mother’s body is changing and adapting to support the needs of her little one. These new demands, though normal and natural, can cause undesirable symptoms including aches and pains, headaches, nausea and heartburn, fatigue, skin issues, swelling, difficulty with movement, sleep issues, etc. Some of these symptoms may not be completely avoidable, however, natural, conservative care including chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional support, and manual therapy or exercises may help reduce and relieve them. So, how can chiropractic be beneficial during pregnancy?


1. Ease pregnancy symptoms:

Chiropractic may help ease pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, heartburn, headaches, swelling in feet and hands, and general discomfort. Through chiropractic adjustments and manual therapy, optimal nerve flow and reduced tension in the body help ensure optimal brain-body communication. If there are restrictions of joints of the spine or soft tissue tension, nerve flow/communication can be interrupted, resulting in dysfunction and unwanted symptoms. Chiropractic care checks for these restrictions and helps


2. Natural Relief from Lower Back Pain:

Data shows that more than 50% of women will experience pregnancy-related low back pain. As the baby grows, the mother’s abdomen grows as well and her center of gravity shifts. Her spinal curves also modify to adapt to growing baby. These changes may put more pressure on joints of the spine, especially the low back and pelvis which can cause pain. Chiropractic care (along with other therapies we offer) may help reduce pain by improving joint mobility and function, reducing stress on the joints, improving spine and pelvic alignment, and decreasing soft tissue tension.



3. Optimal Fetal Position:

The position of the pelvis and sacrum play an important role in how baby is most comfortably positioned in the womb. Chiropractic care assesses mother’s alignment and pelvic positioning, helping to ensure optimal function of the pelvis. This allows baby to have optimal room in-utero, making it easier for baby to move and get into a head down position for birth. Often, babies are in the breech position due to uterine or pelvic/sacral constraints which limit their movement or make it uncomfortable for baby. Proper positioning of the baby may help lower the risk of back labor and/or the need for an unnecessary cesarean. Our doctors are certified in the Webster Technique which is a specific chiropractic sacral/pelvic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/sacroiliac joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated which benefits both mother and baby.


4. Easier Labor and Birth:

Chiropractic adjustments may help shorten labor and make the birth process easier. If the mother’s spine and hips are able to move optimally and are in proper alignment, and the nerve communication to the muscles of the pelvic floor and uterus is uninterrupted. This may help labor and birth to progress more easily and with less complications. Many moms who utilize chiropractic during pregnancy report shorter labor and less intense labor symptoms. For moms who want a natural, drug-free birth, chiropractic care can help them achieve that goal.


5. Support Overall Health and Immune Function:

The immune system is intricately connected to the nervous system. Proper function of the nervous system is vital for optimal function of the immune system. During pregnancy, a woman’s body is under more stresses and changes, which puts more demand on the immune system. Chiropractors help patients, especially pregnant women, stay healthy and function their best during pregnancy through recommendations for proper nutrition, supplementation, and healthy lifestyle changes, in addition to caring for mom’s neuromusculoskeletal system. All these healthy lifestyle choices can all have a positive impact on mom and baby’s health.


Choosing chiropractic care as part of your prenatal care is a safe and effective option to manage pregnancy symptoms, promote overall health, and function your best while pregnant. Regardless of how far along you are in your pregnancy or what your birth plans/goals may be, chiropractic can help you feel and function your best. Our doctors can share natural and holistic options to help and support you during your pregnancy, playing an important role in your team of prenatal health care providers.

In Health,

Dr. Abbey

“You Ate Your WHAT?!”: Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation is the steaming and dehydrating of the placenta after birth. 


What is a placenta?

A placenta is a temporary organ that your body develops during pregnancy!  It attaches to the wall of the uterus and connects to your baby via the umbilical cord.  The placenta filters waste and toxins from the blood and supplies nutrients to the baby, including oxygen.   It produces hormones necessary for your baby to grow. 


The placenta stores gonadotropin, prolactin, oxytocin, thyroid stimulating hormone, cortisone, interferon, prostaglandins, hemoglobin, and gammaglobulin.  The following nutrients are found in the placenta: iron, vitamin B6, vitamin E, corticotropin-releasing hormone, and cytocines.


Why encapsulate your placenta?

Benefits of placenta encapsulation include:

·      Restores balance of the body

·      Decreases risk of “baby blues”

·      Increases energy

·      Lessens postpartum bleeding

·      Replenishes iron lost during childbirth

·      Helps uterine involution (shrinking)


What is the process like?

The method I prefer to use is the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method.  This process is a two-step process.  The blood is drained from the placenta and the membranes are removed.  The placenta is steamed with herbs to enhance the effects.  It is the sliced and prepared for dehydration. 


After dehydration, the dried placenta is ground into a fine powder and put into tasteless odorless capsules.  You can expect to get between 100-200 capsules in a placenta, depending on the size. 


I do limit the number of placenta encapsulation clients I take.  If you have an interest, please send an inquiry to our front desk and they can help you move forward with the process!


In health + wellness,


The Wave of Light: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance

“All I ever wanted to be was a mom.” Many can resonate with this phrase and have probably heard other women say it, too. Unfortunately, the journey to motherhood isn’t always the perfect and happy experience many women imagine. The road to motherhood can be long, complicated, and painful, with challenges and losses. More and more women and their families and loved ones not only struggle to have children but also face losses. While there may be many factors that may contribute to these unfortunate losses, the reality is that loss is part of life. Sadly, 1 in 4 women have felt the pain and loss of having to say goodbye too soon to their baby (or even babies). Whether having held her baby in the womb or in her arms, a mother knows the heart and soul of her little one. The pain of loss can be overwhelming and debilitating. While days are certainly darker following the loss of a baby, know that brighter days lie ahead.


I can relate as I, too, am 1 in 4. While I was never able to hold my sweet baby in my arms, I felt my baby’s soul. I had always looked forward to being a mother and was so excited when I was pregnant. Then I had a miscarriage at the start of my second trimester. My heart felt like it was ripped out and I lost part of myself. I was so connected to my baby and never expected my first pregnancy to end in a painful loss. It took months for my body to heal and the weight of the sadness to not be so heavy. I was blessed with amazing support of family and friends. I believe that we grow through what we go through. My loss opened my eyes to a world I never knew, to emotions and pains I could never imagine. I’m grateful for what I learned from my loss as I have been able to grow as a mother, wife, woman, and doctor. Our society typically has not made it easy or comfortable for women and families to share this grief or loss. My loss opened the door for many in my life to reach out for help and support. I am so honored and thankful for their trust to help them and their families heal through their losses and fertility struggles. Healing is a process and certainly different for each person. Fortunately, we were blessed to get pregnant again the year after our loss. My son, my rainbow baby, has certainly been an important part of my healing. I am so grateful for both my babies.


While nothing can ever replace the precious life that was lost, there are ways to help cope with the grief and pain. First, allow yourself to be sad and grieve. This intensity of sadness will not last forever. Personally, I found comfort in the support of family and friends. Books and blogs can be helpful as well. Knowing you can share and relate with others is an important part of the healing process. I was introduced to the book Spirit Babies; it provided light and insight on ways to heal through the grief and connect with myself and baby. When you feel ready, connecting with a support group can be healing as well. A special piece of jewelry or art can be a beautiful way to celebrate their life and keep their presence in your life. Many find it healing to remember their baby through planting a tree or flower. We planted a butterfly garden as butterflies symbolize the souls of lost loved ones. Seeing the garden grow each year and the beautiful butterflies gathering warms my heart and is a special remembrance of my baby. Listen to your heart for what feels right for you and your family to heal and remember your precious baby.

Join us October 15th at 7:00pm and light a candle in remembrance and honor of all the sweet babies gone too soon. This special remembrance is called “The Wave of Light” and can be felt and experienced worldwide. All are welcome to participate as we honor these special souls.

If you or a loved one have lost a precious little one, we send you love, healing vibes, and prayers. Know that you are not alone. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need support.


Sending you love and light.


-Dr. Abbey 

Solid Foods, When to Start and How Feeding Help’s Baby Talk

When a baby is about 6 months old or so, it is very common to start introducing solid foods. Every child will reach their milestones at their own pace. Are you wondering if your baby is ready to start solids? There are a few keys that can tell you if your baby is ready for solid foods: 

  • Able to hold and keep their head up while sitting

  • Showing interest in food people is eating in his surroundings

  • Opens mouth when food is being approached

  • Holds spoon and move food from spoon to mouth

Veggies and fruit purees are a great start! Introduce one food at a time to make sure the baby does not have any allergies or reaction to that food. Also, make sure your little one is calm and comfortable when introducing solids, meaning feed a small amount of milk before offering solids so the baby does not get frustrated while being hungry. Also, solids alone will not provide all the nutrients needed during developmental stages. 

Did you know that eating can help babies talk? 

According to Heidi Sloan, pediatric speech-language pathologist, “The mouth has a whole bunch of muscles! The most important, and the most obvious ones, to us are the muscles of the lips, tongue, and the muscles that control the jaw. So, for example, we use our lips to say, ‘ba, and pa, and mmm.’ Those are the same muscles that you use to clear food off of a spoon.”

Feeding can help with speaking abilities, as feeding and swallowing helps babies to build the muscles that are important and needed when talking.

If you are noticing your little one has issues chewing certain foods, they develop tension on their neck and/or jaw, maybe some restrictions on their neck, jaw and upper back might be present. 

Chiropractic adjustments for infants are gentle, specific and comfortable. It helps to restore mobility and decrease tension, improving your child's body function and nervous system. 

Your little one will have great benefits from chiropractic care. Schedule an appointment today! 

Dr. Shirley


How Does Acupuncture Help PCOS?

September is PCOS Awareness Month!


What is PCOS?

PCOS is a condition due to insulin resistance.  Women with PCOS experience a hormonal imbalance as insulin stimulates secretion of testosterone by the ovaries.   Diet and stress are major risk factors to PCOS.  Diets high in refined carbohydrates (starchy, sugary foods) can lead to insulin resistance.  When we are in a state of chronic stress, we pump out a lot of cortisol regularly.  Cortisol raises our blood sugar and requires out body to produce insulin to manage it. 

Symptoms of PCOS can include weight gain, irregular periods, unwanted facial hair, hair thinning, hair loss, acne, and infertility. 


Metformin is frequently prescribed to patients with PCOS.  Metformin helps get blood sugar under control.  However, there are ways to regulate your blood sugar with diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes.

How does acupuncture fit in?

Regular acupuncture sessions can reduce testosterone, regulate ovulation (and regulate menstruation), and reduce stress.  Acupuncture is recommended for 3 months prior to TTC to be more effective. 

When I am working with anyone with hormonal imbalance or trying to conceive I will order labs, including hormones on cycle day 3 and cycle day 21.  These labs include full thyroid panel, hormone levels, vitamin D, and maybe a few others depending on your history.  Why CD3 and CD21?  Well, looking at CD3 of your menstrual cycle helps us determine the “baseline” of your hormones.  On CD21 (or 7 days past ovulation), we look at progesterone to see if you have ovulated.  Depending on your labs, an individualized supplementation plan will be recommended.


Reducing environmental hormonal exposure and making changes to your diet have been also shown in research to be very effective in managing PCOS and improving overall health.


Questions?  Email me!

In health,
Dr. Candace

Managing Pain with a Holistic Approach

According to the CDC,  20.4% of adults in America suffer from chronic pain. 35% of those adults have been experiencing severe pain that they have to limit their work or life activities. Chronic pain can cause a severe impact in someone's life. 

Majority of individuals who deal with chronic conditions have tried a variety of treatments. Some will find the relief they are looking for, while some might not have the same luck. It is imperative to recognize that there is not a standard approach to treat pain that will work for everyone. 

Recently, the medical community has seen stronger evidence of the benefits of holistic care. These include acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutritional supplementation and massage to name a few. 

These are a few benefits of holistic care for pain management: 

  • It can often work when more traditional treatments have failed. 

  • It is designed to  work with your body's internal functioning triggering self healing, reducing side effects.

  • It can reduce dependency on pain medication which can cause or increase risk of addiction. 

  • Treatment is tailored to your condition and needs!!!

The goal of holistic approach is to promote the body's ability to heal by also encouraging better nutrition, sleeping patterns, exercises, stress reducing techniques and more. It is ideal to recognize the person as a whole, not only the area of complaint. 

When dealing with your health properly, you are creating a space for healing giving your mental, emotional and physical health the energy and the support it needs to perform your daily activities with more ease. It is never too late to take action. 

Start taking care of your body TODAY!

Dr. Shirley

Cleveland Chiropractic

(216) 952-3830

Chiropractic Care + The Immune System

As the kids head back to school, fall sports are in full swing, and the weather starts to cool, we know summer is coming to an end. September is a great time to start boosting your immune system (if you haven’t already!). During the summer, we benefit from more days outside in the sun (hello Vitamin D!), fresh local fruits and vegetables, and, typically, more water intake. These are all wonderful for our bodies and help boost our immune system. But what can you do in the fall and winter when fresh local produce isn’t available and the weather changes? Of course, practicing good hygiene such as properly washing your hands and covering your mouth/nose when you cough or sneeze helps, but our bodies need more support! Fast-paced lifestyles of modern life typically bring more stress, less rest, more processed foods, and other unhealthy habits. These cause more stress on our bodies and immune systems so we require more support, especially during times of change and increased stress…such as the start of school, change of seasons, and even pregnancy! 

Thankfully, there are many effective ways you can support your body and boost your immune system…naturally! Rest and movement are essential to optimal health and function. Especially during times of stress, making adequate time for sleep and exercise are important. Also, don’t forget to get adjusted! Patients have reported being sick less and feel better overall through chiropractic care. Research has shown chiropractic adjustments have a positive effect on T- and B-lymphocytes, NK-cells, plasma beta-endorphins and antibody levels, and phagocytic activity, all of which are known to play important roles in the body’s immune response and function. Data has also showed that in as little as 20 minutes after an adjustment, immunoglobin G (IgG) significantly increases and by 2 hours immunoglobin M (IgM) significantly increases as well! Both IgG and IgM are very important antibodies: IgG is the most abundant type of antibody, protecting against bacterial and viral infections and IgM is the first antibody to be made by the body to fight a new infection. 

Looking for other ways to help boost your immune system? Vitamins and herbs have been researched and shown to benefit immune function. Important immune system boosting nutrients include Vitamins D, C, and E, Calcium Lactate, and Echinacea. Other natural ways to boost your immune system include taking elderberry syrup and/or propolis spray. Of course, before starting any new regiment or taking something new, consult your doctor (our chiropractors specialize in nutrition). Eating healthy is a vital part of a properly functioning immune system. Adding garlic, onions, turmeric, and even certain mushrooms to your cooking may help boost your immune system, too!

During this change of seasons (and as the holidays will be quickly approaching), make sure to allow time for yourself. Take things in moderation, incorporate self-care, and don’t forget about regular chiropractic adjustments to help keep your immune system healthy and strong!

-Dr. Abbey

Postpartum Care: Coping with Body Image

Postpartum is a period of adjustment and healing for the mother. During this time, you will bond with your baby but you may also experience body changes.  Body pain, urinary incontinence and/or muscle tension during your fourth trimester can be present. The cause? It could have been a strained muscles during delivery, pelvic floor muscle weakness, pregnancy hormones (loose ligaments), breastfeeding positions, holding/lifting baby and core muscles instability/weakness. 

After a few weeks, some of these issues may resolve. But what if you are still suffering from back pain for weeks (even months!) after giving birth? Experiencing urinary incontinence when exercising, laughing or running? Feeling constant body tension and anxiety? If you say yes to any of these questions,  know that you are not alone.

It is quite common to experience some of these symptoms after either vaginal or cesarean birth.  However, it does not mean that it is normal and that you have to deal with it because you just had a baby. Know that you do have options! 

The following treatments can help you make your postpartum journey more enjoyable:

  • Chiropractic care - chiropractic adjustments restore joint mobility reducing restrictions in your spine and pelvis relieving any nerve pressure present. When your body is working  and moving properly, it can speed your recovery and healing.  This is a plus during the fourth trimester!

  • Massage therapy - postpartum massages may help to relax your muscles, increase blood circulation and lower stress hormones, bringing stress relief. Massage can help during your emotional transition bringing relaxation to your life. 

  • Acupuncture - acupuncture treatment can be beneficial with stress management, pain relief, promotion of healthy digestion and improved quality of sleep. 

  • Pelvic floor PT  - Specialized PT can assess for any pelvic floor muscle tightness or weakness that can be causing your urinary incontinence and back pain. Pelvic PT will guide you in the right direction. 

Reach out if you are experiencing pain, discomfort or just looking for additional postpartum care information. Your body may need a little push to get back in balance. We can help! 

Cleveland Chiropractic & Integrative Health Center

(216) 952-3830