First of all, I hope you are having the greatest start for 2022. I know we (at least me!), try to make new health and habits goals when starting the new year. But let's be honest, usually goals last for a few months but what happens after that? You guessed it, we get lost on work and on our daily lifestyle.
This year I want to do something different. Every month of the year, I want to work with a new healthy habit. And I want to share that with all of you. Maybe, as a community, we can help each other out to reach our goals and improve our overall health. Isn't it great when our mind and body feels great? Well, I want that feeling to last forever.
Here is a list of healthy habits and goals I’ve been working on for the past few months and I want to keep incorporating them daily(hope I don’t disappoint!):
Meditation - sit down at least 5-10 minutes a day to achieve mental clearness and start my day calm and collected.
Screen Time - definitely need to reduce screen time from my phone. Social media is a big thing nowadays. It’s a way to keep us connected with family and friends but let's be real, it can be so overwhelming at times.
Also, let’s talk about text neck - bad posture creates changes in our natural cervical spine making us prone to dysfunction and weakness of muscles and ligaments.
High screening time can alter our sleeping patterns. It can disrupt the melatonin surge needed to sleep leading to a less restful sleep.
Exercising - oh yes! This is a big one, right? But how good you feel physically and mentally after moving and working out. Exercising at least 3x/week boosts your energy, improves metabolism, promotes better sleep and better mood, controls weight and many more benefits.
Self Care - don’t we all need this! Getting regular chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture therapy and/or therapeutic massages helps your body to reduce stress and tension improving your overall body function. It is imperative to take care of ourselves.
Colorful Diet - really important to have a very fun and colorful diet filled with vegetables and fruits. Make new recipes adding color like mac & cheese with carrots and broccoli. Use your imagination to add new and healthy recipes to your life.
Mental Health- this one is a game changer for me. For the past year we have been living difficult times and it is important to keep our mental health in check from time to time. I believe it is important to have a professional who can guide you in better ways to cope with our difficult times.
If you or someone you know is looking for ways to take care of your body, know that here at Cleveland Chiropractic we provide chiropractic care, acupuncture therapy, therapeutic massage, prenatal and postpartum care and physical therapy. Do not hesitate to reach out!
With love,
Dr. Shirley