Swelling During Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with many changes for the body, as can be expected. While new and often different, most changes or symptoms are not of concern, but can be uncomfortable or unpleasant. A common symptom we hear about from our patients is swelling, especially in the legs and feet and later during pregnancy. Swelling can also happen in hands and arms and other body parts. While this is common, it does not have to happen! So why does swelling happen? During pregnancy, there is increased blood flow to support growing baby. Also, pregnancy hormones affect the flow of fluids and make soft tissue more relaxed which can slow flow of blood and lymph fluids. As baby grows, baby’s position can put more pressure on the vessels and lymphatics in the lower abdomen (especially in certain positions) and limit fluid flow, especially from the legs and feet. Prolonged standing or sitting can make swelling worse.

So what can you do? Here are a few tips that may help reduce swelling and help you be more comfortable:

1. Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water and eat high water containing foods (raw fruits & vegetables, broths, etc).

2. Boost minerals/electrolytes: try coconut water, electrolyte powders such as LMNT and Earthley, or adding a pinch sea salt and/or maple syrup to citrus water to help your body get enough essential nutrients to prevent fluid retention.

3. Get moving! Moving your body is important for fluid flow. Try doing ankle rocks back and forth or on a low step (use a hand rail for balance if needed). Lifting your feet helps to move fluid back up your legs and prevent swelling. Light exercise such as yoga may help as well.

4. Soak feet or swim: Water helps the body to move body fluid due to the gentle compression. Swimming adds beneficial movement to help with fluid flow. Salt water or Epsom salt add needed minerals for the body and can help reduce swelling.

5. Rest! Listen to your body. Take breaks as needed. Be mindful not to sit rounded or on your tailbone which interferes with fluid flow from your legs and feet. Laying on your side using pillows for support as needed is a better position. Sitting/rocking in an old-fashioned rocking chair may help, too!

6. Massage your legs and feet: Start from your feet and massage up your legs. Loosen tight areas including your ankles to get fluids moving. Using a magnesium lotion along with your massaging such as the Good Night lotion from Earthley can be very soothing and relaxing.

7. Get body work! Chiropractic, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, massage, and physical therapy may all help address issues that can limit fluid flow in your body. All these care options may help reduce tension in the body and encourage optimum fluid flow. Your provider can also recommend specific tips for your body as well.

8. Be mindful of your diet: Making sure your body is getting plenty of protein and fats is essential, especially during pregnancy. Limit highly processed foods. Consult a nutritionist to learn more about what you can do to balance your diet and limit swelling.

9. Try compression gear: If you are experiencing swelling and will not be able to get much movement or do some of the other previously recommended options, compression socks or clothing for your legs may help minimize the swelling, especially if traveling. If you are experiencing swelling, let us help! Share this information with someone you know who may benefit as well.

Be well. You got this!

Dr. Abbey



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